
Why are you a democrat and liberal or why are you a republican and conservative? ?

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just trying to figure out reasons behind the madness




  1. I am a conservative not for religious regions, but for economic ones.  The plans endorsed by democrats and "liberals" favor tighter government control and regulation, reeking of communism.  They feel that the American people aren't capable of taking care of themselves, and that the government should baby everyone.  Some excellent books to read are The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman, and The Road to Serfdom by F.A. Hayek.

  2. I'm niethier i believe  they both have good points and bad points.  

  3. I'm a Libertarian, because I believe in the greatness of freedom and liberty and as a productive person I take gross offense at the actions of socialists and other big government types who think they have the right to confiscate my property and give it to another.  I find it more honorable to be held up by someone with a gun and having my property stolen that way, at least that guy doesn't sugarcoat what he's doing.

  4. Im a conservative republican. I believe the government should only provide us with protection and education and should not be able to control our lives.  

  5. I personally call myself a classic liberal that votes me it comes down to control. I want smaller government and the right to overthrow them should the government become oppressive.

    So I support Tax Freedom and the right to keep and bear arms, this leaves me with one choice: Republicans.

    I would like to see a 3rd party that supported the constitution and smaller government without the religeous right......

  6. It does seem like madness...

    I am a Republican and a Conservative.

    I hold traditional family values. I believe the government is not there to solve all of my problems. I believe that I should keep the money I earn for me and if I so choose, to donate what I think I can afford to the less fortunate. I believe in the Constitution. I believe we sometimes have to fight for what we believe in . I believe in this country, regardless how bad Liberals always like to say it is.

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