
Why are you a vegan?

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Tell me why you made this choice.

also, i would like your permission to use your quotes in a published cookbook, and your name and last initiail.

give a detailed answer.

you are helping the cause! =]




  1. Well, I have been a vegan for eleven months now, and I feel great about it. Not only am I helping the environment, I am also saving animals from abuse and torture that should have never happened to them. I care a lot about animals, and to see them hurt like that just pains me. I find my protein from lots of other foods, and I have adjusted quite well to this lifestyle.

    Megan C.

  2. After I turned 30, my body stopped being able to digest meat--I'd often feel ill after eating it.  In 2001, I read "Fast Food Nation," and that really grossed me out.  One day in early January 2002, I was eating wings, and I was so disgusted with them, I decided then and there to become vegetarian.  I started reading more so I could do it right.  I read about the dairy-veal connection and decided I could no longer eat dairy; after all, I objected to the cruelty of veal long before I went veg.  And the cruelty inherent in animal industry--it's hardly agricultural the way the animals are kept for food--made me decide I wanted no part of it.

    So a few months after going vegetarian, I went vegan.  I felt it was the right thing to do for me.  My only regret is that I didn't have the strength to do it sooner.

    danielle k.

  3. Not eating meat is better for the environment, animals don't deserve to be treated the way they are, and i just think meat is gross. i don't really know how most people can eat something that has the same body parts as them. puting a steak infront of me is like puting a human hand on my plate and saying "here eat this it's good". now thats just gross.

    hope i helped a bit!

    good luck!


  4. Many people who persue this line do it for the notoriety - as in 'look at me, I am a vegan'.

    I really don't understand why people choose this for real.  Man is an omnivore.  Simple as that.  He is intended to eat both meat and veggies.  The nutrients that our bodies need come from both.

    Yes, you can find substitutes.  Yes, some people believe that harming another creature for food is wrong.  I am not convinced being a vegan is healthy, just that vegans tend to pay attention to what they eat more than non-vegans, so make better choices.

    I guess my question to them would be 'Why would you want to do this to yourself'?  Is it for attention or something else?

  5. The Golden Rule/ethic of reciprocity

  6. I'd like to be, but I can't seem to get all my protein. It's good for you, it's for animals, it's good for the environment. What more can you want.

  7. 1. Animals are my friends and I don't kill my friends.

    2. Meat contributes to world hunger.

    3. Factory farms are the #1 contributor to greenhouse gasses.

    4. I don't want cancer or heart disease.

    5. My vegan diet has improved my health.

  8. Well I am a veg@n for many reasons but I started as a vegetarian! I began my vegetarianism in late December on 2007 and I chose to become veg@n in earlier March of this year! Of course by then I already knew about the dangers of meats and how they were very unhealthy but I also learned about the dairy industry. I learned how cows were shot up with all kinds of steroids and other unnatural things so they would produce more milk. It was hardest giving up dairy than anything but I knew in my heart is was the right thing to do! Eggs wasn't to hard to give up. I saw how they were treated while caged up and how thier beeks where cut off. I couldn't even look at eggs. Honey and geletan was no problem giving up. That left me being veg@n! It's something I never thought would happen to me but i'm happy it did! After the animal aspects of it all I learned about how this whole industry effected our environment. And I want the Earth to live on, not die prematurly! Hope I helped you :)

    Dré T

  9. i am not a vegan

  10. Oh where to start!


    I've been vegan for eight years.  I've always been an animal lover and I originally went vegetarian for animal rights reasons, but the more educated I became about animal agriculture and the practices of the animal industry the more I couldn't justify supporting it.  I became a vegan because I decided that I did not want any part of the animal industry.  Living as a happy and healthy vegan everyday proves that people can live without meat, eggs and dairy and still be happy and healthy!

    I am an athlete and throughout the years I've grown spiritually, mentally and emotionally and in every aspect of my life veganism has proven to me to be the best way to live.  My son has been vegan from birth and he is also happy and healthy and proud to be vegan!

    I don't do it for attention, if that were the case I would have given it up long ago.  I do it because it coincides with my beliefs that all creatures deserve the right to live as they were naturally meant to.  Not mass-produced for McDonalds.  

    Yes, I know humans are omnivores and we have the ability to eat meat, but we also have the ability to reason and the ability to choose.  If I can live happily on a vegan diet and choose not to support the exploitation of another species then I will happily exercise that ability.  :)

    Evita G.

  11. Once I really got into researching the suffering involved in living animal foods like dairy and eggs, the environmental degradation that comes along with intensive animal agriculture, and the role that animal foods play in the development of the disease process (The China Study,) I just flat-out couldn't come up with a good reason NOT to go vegan.  I'd been vegetarian a long time and was one of the whiners, "But I love cheeeeeeese..."  Yeah, cheese was really easy to give up once the decision was solid.  Beyond giving up dairy, eggs and honey, my whole style of eating has changed for the better - more whole foods and less prepackaged stuff.  Even in the current economic environment, my grocery bill has gone down.  So, I became vegan for a variety of reasons and I AM vegan for a variety of reasons.

    (If you want my first name and last initial, I'll e-mail it to you.)
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