
Why are you a vegetarian or why do you wont to be one?

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I'm a vegetarian for a lot of reasons manly because i don't wont to eat animals.heres why you should be one




  1. no I dont mind the killing of animals  but by no means do I agree with the inhumane way the animals are being killed. Yes I've tried becoming vegetarian but only lasted like 4 months. I was getting sick and not eating much. Who knows maybe I will try again.

  2. i'm a vegetarian because my family eats too much meat and i chose not to because i don't think you need meat all the time. or at all actually. there are plenty of substitutes.

    also for the animals. :)

  3. I'm a vegan and I do it strictly for health reasons; specifically to keep my cholesterol level down. I love animals, but it's not my place to tell other people to avoid meat, eggs or dairy.

  4. im not.....but ...... good video...i cant really......its something with my family and other stuff......

  5. OMG! That was horrible. It really breaks my heart to see animals treated in such a cruel manner. I have really wanted to go vegitarian because I love animals for one and I have have a theory, if you can't kill it, you shouldn't eat it. And I don't have the heart to kill anything. Seeing that vid really just helped pursuede me even more.

    Take care:).  

  6. i did it cause i never really liked meat, its healthier, and i dont kill things i guess. its not as big of a deal as everyone makes of it. way too much hype

  7. I agree with you thats its horrid to treat animals like that. So i try to cut down on what meat i do eat. Though i am still contributing to the problem. I probably will go vegetarian soon. there is a book that is very interesting.  its called: diet for a new America by john robbins its an old book (copyright 1987) but it does have some valid points in it.

  8. I was one for half a year...after that I went to a Diner show, and my mother said I couldn't go unless I ate meat...


    Now, I just eat it.

    Tooo0o make it soo0o bad, I became one the day before Thanksgiving all because some PETA

  9. I'm vegetarian.

    Ive been one for two years now. I don't really think much of it, there really isn't that much too it like people think.

    Your saving animals, and it's healthy. Yay.

  10. i'm  a vetetarian because of health and always have been one since a toddler.

    sorry,  just that is the way it is.. stomach couldn't handle all those chemicals and fatty proteins from animals.

    been a strict vegetarian for 30 years.

    but i hate to say that the corruption in all organisations and companies,  i don't believe for one moment that if i don't eat an animal i'm saving it.

    because what isn't used for our consumption is used for other materials and chemicals, additives among other things.

    it's an old school, isn't going to change  any time soon.      not this administration where oil is king.     i don't think in any administration here on out either.

    it's cheaper and the whole going green deal is a scam also..  everything worthwhile and possible is scammed by many until the point it's diminished  as a joke and it's  back to square one.

    like the whole organic thing,  too many companies  put the organic label on their regular stock, passing it off as organic.   a few companies got caught, manny more haven't thus most  like myself will just say 'forget it'   and stick with our old standbys.

    it is a pipe dream.

    thanks for listening.

  11. I'm a vegetarian because meat is animal cruelty and not necessary to be healthy. I get plenty of good nutritious and delicious food without eating meat. I can't really stand the smell of it any more (been veggie for 5+ years). To me, it isn't just a food it's dismembered animal carcass, I don't consider that food.

    I also avoid lard, meat by-products and gelatin. In your profile, it says you like skittles, they have gelatin in them...

    What is gelatin made from?

    Gelatin is made from the bones, skins, hoofs, and tendons of cows, pigs, fish and other animals. It is animal protein used especially for its thickening and gelling properties. It is a non-vegetarian product. It is often used in candies and Jello.

  12. i am trying to become one... i am watching how much meat i eat but i really dont eat alot of meat! which is i am hoping i can keep it upp!! i am happy ur one tho!!

    oh god i just watched the first video...that is soo sad:/.. i think that the people that do that to the animals should get a taste of their own meds n we should treat them the way they treat the poor animals!!<3

  13. I recently tried to become a vegetarian, but I just couldn't do it. I didn't watch your vid, but I'm sure its one of the vids I've already seen. PETA gave me a free DVD and it caused me to become vegetarian.

    I just couldn't keep up with it though, it was too big of a commitment that  I just couldn't keep. I wasn't getting any protein because tofu makes me gag. I also found that in becoming a vegetarian I wasn't eating much of anything.

    Later on I might try again, but right now, I can't keep do it :[

  14. i'm a vegan because meat taste gross, and the thought of a chicken period is just weird.  

  15. I'm vegetarian cause i dont believe any animal should have to suffer pain. i think animals and humans should be equal in terms of how we treat them.

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