
Why are you a vegetarian?

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For those vegetarians out there I am curious as to why you choose not to eat meat. Is your main problem with the way the animals are raised and slaughtered or or you just have a problem with killing animals period. If all animals were wild and we hunted them with spears, knives, bow and arrows etc. would you eat meat or would you still be a vegetarian? If this question comes across as offensive I am sorry, that is not my intention. I am just curious what your thought process is that leads you to be a vegetarian.




  1. Kay, well...

    I just can't help but feel bad when I eat meat, or see meat. I think about the life of that animal and how no one really cared for it and only saw it as a product. It makes me sad. I won't judge people or put people into groups or treat them differently because of race or anything and I feel the same way about animals. I watched videos on how animals are tortured and slaughtered and it opened my eyes even more. I am animal lover, I don't want to eat my friends. I personally don't see a difference in eating a dog over eating a pig. The last time I ate meat I got really sick so then I was like, s***w it! I shouldnt be eating meat anyway.

    I think people really need to think about what is accepted in society. Why kill when there's substitutes out there? Being vegetarian is also very healthy. You don't need meat to survive.. and if we did then vegetarians would be long gone.

    the killing is pointless, and selfish.

    that is why I am a vegetarian.  

  2. Well, i became one because of all of those things combined. Not to seem graphic but the sight of a bone, flesh, or skin of a dead animal on my plate makes me sick. Also, the average vegetarian saves 100 animals a year. Also, 10percent of air pollution is caused by meat industries. I just dont feel right about how they cage the animals and take their babies and just mistreat them overall. Its different when an animal kills another animal because they NEED meat to survive and would die without it. We as humans can easily survive without meat. I understand that we overtime became omnivores, you dont need to have cruelty to animals. I understand how meat-eaters feel and i would never pressure my views upons other people despite the fact that others attempt to convince me to eat meat. Everybody has there own view on the subject and is entitled to their own opinion. And this question is not stupid, many people ask, just in a meaner and more disrespectfull way, so thanx!

    Hope that helped!!!!! :D

  3. I became a vegetarian after getting a puppy. After a while I realized that in some countries people eat dogs and that upset me. But after much thought I came to the conclusion that for me a dog's life shouldn't be more valuable than a cow's or a fish's life just because they aren't cuddly. The fact that animals are also raised in inhumane ways made me incredibly sad and it also influenced my decision.

    I've been a vegetarian for a little bit over a year and can't imagine ever going back to eating meat.

    It wasn't easy at first but I feel so much healthier and good about my self now.

  4. I chose to become vegetarian for several reasons. It was mostly for the sake of the environment, since humanity's use of livestock for food is unsustainable and contributes to methane and extensive tree logging for grazeland. Then for the terrible conditions of factory farm animals. And also for my own health, and to avoid hormones, antibiotics, etc. injected into farm animals which is still present in the meat.

    The thing is: I am not against the act of EATING the meat, but more so in the conditions of the animal which produced the meat. Farmers and livestock ranchers have to put their animals through unnatural conditions and deny them their instincts. I could go into the way pigs, cattle, sheep and chickens, etc. are treated but that would be a LONG story indeed.

    On the other hand, I respect many indigenous/tribal communities for hunting wild animals sustainably for meat. Especially Native Americans and Aboriginal Australians, because they allow the animals to be free and do not pen them up, only take what they need when they hunt. This way is ideal, since it respects mother nature and they use up every part of the animal. Also, these groups will honour their kill.

    I believe wild carnivorous animals are entitled to be predators and have their prey for food. They are designed to and must do so to survive, and they don't harm the environment. Carnivores are part of the natural food chain.

  5. Well i became a vegetarian for multiple of reasons. I slowly started to cut out meat products. I was thinking while i was eating. And i would be like this is a cow, aw how am i eating this. My first meat i got rid of was hamburgers and basically cow. Then Chicken, then bacon, then turkey. And those where like the only 4 types of meat i ever had. But i gave up cow meat for about a year. Then i was getting disgusted by eating what use to me a living animal. And i love animals. Then after a while i saw i bird get killed by a hunter. And i hated it so much. That's when i gave up chicken, (i was not ready to give up turkey yet. Then I found out what animals go through and i totally cut meat out of my diet by the next day. I think i would say i would not eat if we had to hunt animals, cause i would not bare to see it die, and suffer. And i can not kill an animal and eat it, so why would i eat it.  It does not bother me to see animals kill other animals. Cause i can't control that. And they are wild. I really have no clue why. I guess its cause i am not eating it, and i know i can't stop it. Its just apart of nature. I just hate the thought of eating them, and what we do to them before they go on the market. Hope i helped. =)

  6. weird people!!

  7. I turned vegetarian recently because I have a problem with the way many companies treat and slaughter their animals, although lately I have decided that even if all animals were treated humanely, I would still not eat them.  

  8. im vegan, and factory farming is why i went vegan in the first place but i as well believe less violence the better especially when its unneccascary violence. the bible says thou shalt not kill and i want to stick with that the best that i can.

    i definitely think wild hunting is more humane but i would still never do it when it comes to our diet we have many other options so there is no need for any animal to be killed when we can live perfectly fine off plants.

    it doesnt bother me to see animals killing each other, for them its nature and instinct, they don't know any better we do, they don't have the choice to go buy a salad nor are there bodies designed where they can live simply off plants like ours can.

  9. 1. A) I became a vegetarian because of the way they kill the animals and the way the animals live before they kill them. they are tortured and then slaughtered painfully.

       B) I love animals. I could never become a vet because then I'd have to put animals to sleep.

    2. No, it doesn't bother me because they kill them one at a time, and don't breed the other animals just to eat them. the animals are free until the other animal kills the, they aren't trapped in a cage or pen. and they aren't over killed, and no meat goes to waste.

  10. Though I am not a vegetarian, some of my friends are and their reasons vary. I also have chosen not to eat meat for a short period before as well. My reason was not about the animal killing, meat essentially is our main source of protein. However, most meat (e.g. Pork, Beef and even Chicken) is high in trans fat and saturated fat. Though chicken, turkey and hat are lower in amount, they also contain a high concentration of Sodium (Salt). When I was vegetarian, I usually eat my meals along with intake of protein in the form of powder, often soy protein or whey protein so I recieve the protein I need in order for my body to function properly. However, it is possible to recieve protein from veggies without protein intake. Beans and legumes are also high in protein.

    One of my friend do not eat meat because she cannot withstand a distinct taste that meat has. Its not because she cannot stand the animal but rather a specific unpleasant taste she finds. Another one of my friend doesn't eat meat because of his religion restrictions and another does eat meat but not fish as she also finds a distinct taste that is unplesant.

    So anyways, there are many ways one chooses to be a vegetarian. However, and this is my own opinion and not be offensive, I find vegetarians who do not eat meat because they cannot withstand animals getting killed very rare nowadays, maybe its just me but it seems like there are more and more reasons to become a vegetarian now.

  11. idk i just decided one day im not a green party tree hugger either. im a republican vegi probly the one at that but its just a life style it really doesnt make that big of a difference in my life i get made fun of but thats it and the only way i would eat meat is if it was life or death. if its was the only way i could eat i would kill anything with what ever i had my life is above all others but i still want to protect life

  12. For ethical reasons, and , an animal shouldn't die for my taste-buds.

  13. The torture, torment and cruelty that is behind every piece of meat was more than enough for me to become a Vegetarian; I refuse to be apart of such brutality.  I believe that the life of any animal is no less important than that of a human being!

  14. im NOT a VEGETARIAN. sister is and the reason she is a vegetarian is because she doesn't like how the animals are treated how they live and stuff.. especially KFC they jump on their chickens and throw them to kill it and it's so sad you should go to and watch the VIDEOS of what goes on in the slaughter houses it's REALLY sad. there are many reasons and also because of ANIMAL TESTING and what happens to the animals and it's completely TORTURE! it's also GOOD for your health and losing weight and you could still get kind of the same nutrition you just have to pick the right foods. yaknoooooow! (:

    hope i helped you! :D

  15. The Golden Rule / ethic of reciprocity

    It does not bother me when animals eat other animals. People are animals so that includes hunters killing an eating wild animals.

    I have a big problem with people controlling the number of animals that are born and confining them to small spaces for long periods of time.

    I also have problem with animals dying in slaughterhouses, the way that they are transported and the disgusting way that workers are treated in the meat, dairy and egg industries.

  16. I did it because of animal abuse in making meat

    It bothers me to see that and know I ate abused animals

    plus I needed more veggies and fruits in my diet

  17. It's always bothered me to think that I'm eating an animal that was killed for me to eat. I first attempted to become a vegetarian in 4th Grade but it lasted about a day then. As an adult, I've read a lot about the factory farming industry and it sickens me. I am slowly trying to eliminate all animal products because being a vegetarian just isn't enough. If you eat eggs, you're supporting the killing of young male chicks. If you drink milk (which I don't), you are supporting the veal industry because they have to impregnate the cows to get them to produce milk and they take the calves away at birth for veal. It's all related. Also, I know that if I had to hunt the animal myself - I would have been a vegetarian a long time ago. In other words, when I ate meat it was because someone else was doing my dirty work for me.

    As for animals killing each other, I don't like to see it but I understand that it's nature. If it's on discovery, I would change the channel.

  18. 1>> I became a vegan because it is a better nutritional diet.

    2>> Vegan are healthier because the average vegan is lighter than the average meat eater in Britain.

    3>> I became a Vegan because I was told about what happens to meat in the gut. It stays there for ages and rots, getting infected with bacteria.

    4>> I became a Vegan because I care about what I put into my body. I don’t want to put chemicals in there, nor anything dead. Plants are natural, so they can’t be harmful. The more you prune and pluck, more branches and fruits it yields.

    5>> I became a Vegan, because I want to live in a more natural way.

    6>> I became a Vegan, because stock farming is not economically viable. We could feed the Third World if everyone became a Vegan.

    7>> I became a Vegan because I don’t want to finance death. I don’t mind wearing a woollen jumper, because they don’t kill the sheep to get the wool.

    8>> I became a Vegan because I think that farming animals is cruel. Politicians & Religious idols do not care for animals. Current government subsidies do not cushion the animal welfare. Most farmers do not care about the welfare of their animals; If do, it would become be too expensive for them to sell.

    9>> I became a Vegan because crop farming is more efficient than stock farming. 100 units of food energy fed to an animal become only 10 units of meat, so meat production is inefficient.

    10>> I don't want to eat anything that I wouldn't be prepared to kill myself, though leisurely.

    11>> I don't want to eat anything that I wouldn't be prepared to kill by myself, though leisurely.

    12>> I became a Vegan because we don’t need meat to survive.

    13>> I became a Vegan because I don’t want to shorten the dairy cow’s natural lifespan from 25 years to 11 years.

    14>> I became a Vegan because that’s the way society is going. Thousands of people every minute are becoming Vegetarian. Killing and butchering will be regarded as taboo one day.

    15>> I became a Vegan because I’m a biologist; I know how the ecosystem & biodiversity works.

    16>> I became a Vegan because it is the future. There is an annoying connection made by many people that the way things are going is necessarily good, and/or inevitable. Perhaps the current trends are bad, and the future will not be as good as it could be. Perhaps things are heading a certain way, but this does not mean that we are powerless to stop them, nor does it mean that we should not try. This argument does not work either. One has to supply actual reason for vegetarianism, and this is not a reason, it is just an excuse at best.

    17>> I became a Vegan simply because my craving supersedes my love towards animals.

    18>> I became a Vegan because many scientists, philosophers, environmentalists, humanitarians, spiritualists, thinkers and SICK PERSONS were/are abstained from meat. Meat is absolutely not necessary to make smart and healthy.


    Veg*sm is the new Puritanism. This is my belief. It is also one of my arguments towards veg*sm, and although it may at first seem a flippant argument, I believe that it is very powerful. veg*sm is miserable. It attacks one of life’s greatest and surest pleasures - enjoying good food and linger around the societal norm. Anything which makes people less happy is bad.



    I think that if my theory became widely understood and agreed with, then veg*m would look and feel increasingly silly, and would more obviously occupy the moral low ground. I don’t think that there is any real danger that veg*m will ever become the norm, because meat is too nice, and membership of a club is no privilege if everyone becomes a member. The club has to be exclusive in order to be appealing.

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