
Why are you a vegitarian?

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is it because you don't like the taste of meat

or u don't like the thought of animals being killed?




  1. I don' eat mat because of the suffering expierienced by the animals. Taste is irelivent for me. Suffering is just as great in the lives of "milking cows" and "laying hens" including ("free range") etc. So for this reason I also eat nothing which contains these things.

  2. because I feel that the anilmals suck

  3. I'm a vegetarian for the following reasons:

    1. I don't like the taste of meat in general

    2. The thought of eating it makes me nauseaus for some reason...especially seafood.

    3. I don't like how many of the animals are treated prior to death and/or the manner in which they're executed. I don't want to support that so I don't buy it.

    4. I feel it's a healthier lifestyle and I wouldn't change it for the world.

  4. I became a vegan, because I do not like the idea that a cow carries her baby for over 9 months. Than after giving birth, her child is taken away so quickly, so humans can have the milk versus the calf. Which later feed very poor lack foods so it can be a tender veal.

    As a woman,(I am 31). When I have my child, I would never want any person, to take away my child. So I can not support a industry that uses that method dominantly. I understand there are farms that do not, but 90% (by tyson, cargrill, smithfield) of beef and dairy cows in this country are raised on intensive farming conditions.

    Money is power. I use my money to support companies that are ethically inlined with my morals. I have a choice. I choose to not support an industry that cause so many cruelties. I also buy from companies that do not employee children in developing countries.

  5. i love the taste of most meats. i just dont like the animals being killed. also i am becoming a health freak and meat has a lot of added hormones and chemicals. plus fat and cholesteral



    Today the majority of farmed animals are:

    -confined to the point that they can barely move,

    -denied veterinary care,

    -mutilated without painkillers,

    -and finally slaughtered often while fully conscious.



    According to Dr. David Brubaker, PhD, at Johns Hopkins University’s Center for a Livable Future, “The way that we breed animals for food is a threat to the planet. It pollutes our environment while consuming huge amounts of water, grain, petroleum, pesticides and drugs. The results are disastrous.”



    “Vegetarian diets offer a number of nutritional benefits, including lower levels of saturated fat, cholesterol, and animal protein, as well as higher levels of carbohydrates, fiber, magnesium, potassium, folate, and antioxidants such as vitamins C and E and phytochemicals. Vegetarians have been reported to have lower body mass indices than nonvegetarians, as well as lower rates of death from ischemic heart disease; vegetarians also show lower blood cholesterol levels; lower blood pressure; and lower rates of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and prostate and colon cancer.”

    --American Dietetic Association, June 2003 position paper

    5 days ago

  7. I posted this same question and it got taken of the site gosh!

    Why is yours staying on? thats g*y!

  8. I'm vegetarian by choice...but that makes me vegan by force, because I'm allergic to Milk, eggs, honey, gelatin, fish/shellfish, along with other (non-animal-related) things. But in all honestly, I've never been healthier since I've been diagnosed with these allergies and gave up meat.

  9. When i was a baby my parents were kinda vegitarian, so they only ate meat sometimes and fish. When i got to first grade i really just didn't like to eat meat for both those reasons, and thought i could live without it. My sister loves meat and the my  parents stopped a longggg time ago. I am the odd one.=P I made the choice really young and it just kinda happened. It sometimes a hassle to not eat meat and it causes problems, and i always need to make sure my diet has enough protein in it. And people make fun of me for it, but i don't care. I like the way i am and i couldn't imagine eating meat again,and its not tempting at all to try it. Im not vegan or anything so i still eat eggs. But NO seafood or anything thats lived before. I just turned 12 and i haven't had meat since than soo its been almost 6 years. :]

  10. It's very healthy. I love my diet.

    My dad's owns a butcher shop, and my mom works at a cafe'. But i've become so accustomed to not eating meat, that the taste and smell makes me sick!

  11. I am vegetarian for a host of reasons:

               Ahimsa being first and foremost -- to create as little        

                                                   pain on the planet as possible


               Animal Rights

               Environmental Concerns

               Health of Self, Family, Animals and Planet


               Death by starvation of 47,000,000 children each year

               Physiological Reasons -- dentition, skeletal, HCL  

                                                           content of stomach  

               Religious and Spiritual Reasons

               Literary reasons

               Additionally, I do not choose to ingest steroids,

               pesticides, growth hormones, or antibiotics

    There is more but that ought to tell you that I am vegetarian and it isn't only because the animals are cute or that I don't like the taste of meat.      

    I choose to live as I do and not turn my body into a graveyard for decomposing carcasses of dead animals.

  12. I actually don't have a problem eating animals. I have a problem eating animals that have been abused. It's very difficult to find any meat (land, sky, or sea) that was raised and slaughtered in humane conditions.

  13. Because they kill the animals inhumanely and they put a ton of hormones and antibiotics in the meat. Which is not good for our body. Read "Skinny B*tch" You will never eat meat again.

  14. both, and have you ever seen an over-weight vegetarian?

  15. I turned veggie at age 3 and I don't remember why, my parents couldn't get me to eat meat so they stopped trying, however my dad tricked me into thinking that fish wasn't a meat so I ate, and still eat- all seafood!

    To this day I still can't eat meat and I don't know why really, I guess it's just the way it's meant to be!

  16. i dont like what they do to the animals but also im trying to lose weight and just wanted to try something new. my reasons my not be all that positive for this change but, whatever its my body

  17. Actually I'm a vegan. ;)

    I don't believe that eating meat is healthy as it leads to all manner of problems health-wise.  I also don't want to support the factory farms by buying or consuming animal products.

  18. I'm vegan.  I liked the taste of meat until I learned about how animal farming effects the environment.

    I also learned how unhealthy the consumption of meat really is.

    Then there are the animals...the poor helpless animals.

    This is the video that changed my life.

  19. Both, It is better for your body, and I cannot stand eating animals. Im a lacto Ovo vegetarian right now, planning to be a vegan this summer:)

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