
Why are you against the patriot act?

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i asked it like this not because i was being biased but because this was the topic i was given to do a speech on and i wanted to c ppls opinions on it and y they go against it if they do if not oh wells




  1. Cuz it sucks!!!! No privacy anymore....

  2. fire, you can't have it both ways. Conservatives like you can't claim to love freedom while throwing out the CONSTITUTION. And then go around telling everybody how much you love this country. It's bullshiit, the way you can throw out the most important components (basic rights: right to a lawyer, right to privacy, etc.) to the greatest democracy in the history of the world and then run around yelling "God Bless America."

  3. I love the " no privacy anymore"

    Funny, I do seem to have the same privacy now as I ever have had.

  4. Because it trashes our constitution that my forefathers bled and died for.  Because it is immoral.  Because it is wrong.  Because Bush is a war mongering, war profiteering evil demon who is only interested in enriching himself beyond imagination..

    Dragonlo..  Perhaps he did not assume that everyone was against it.  Perhaps he just wants reason from those of us who are against it.

  5. I thought their winning streak was over Monday night but good teams always find a way to win.

  6. The patriot act is a contradiction to the principles on which this country was founded.  It circumvents due process for anyone deemed a terror "suspect", whether they are American citizens or not.  It allows warrantless search and seizure.  It allows the president to pre-emptively attack another country without congressional approval so long as he feels it is part of the "war on terror".

    It is an Un-American knee jerk reaction to a terrible crime.

    Below is a list of rights and liberties i'm willing to give up for  a false sense of security....


  7. First off, your question assumes that everybody is against it, which they're clearly not.

    Simply put, the "Patriot" Act takes away rights found in the constitution.  It allows searching without a warrent, arrests without reasonable suspicion, and can basically be used to remove anybody who protests the government.  Luckly, the average citizen has nothing to worry about, but don't infer that all innocent people are safe from it.

  8. First of all the title is immoral. Patriotism is mysticism. It's not reasonable to assume your governmental system is superior to all others just because you were born into it. You have to think.

    Furthermore, it allows the government of the US to spy on people who are clearly no threat to anyone such as peace protesters, environmentalists, and anti-religion and anti-corruption advocates like me. Only people who know nothing but mysticism are dangerous.

    Essentially it's fear mongering and it's allowing the terrorists to win. Going about our business as if nothing happened is the correct way to deal with terrorists. You will not inconvenience me! Cracking down on personal freedom is not helping. We need more personal freedom and less government and no spying and our human and property rights solidified. The government exists solely at our request to facilitate the betterment of our lives. If it isn't doing that job then it needs to be changed by right minded individuals.

  9. It makes a trade off of liberty for security something the founding fathers would most certainly frown upon. Ben Franklin particularly said this: "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.". Safety is never permanent and never has been, but liberty if allowed to be is everlasting. The patriot act also works around the checks and balances of the constitution which would seem to make it blatantly unconstitutional.

    This act makes it quite possible for one tyrant to strip all who oppose them of their rights by invoking the bogeyman of terrorism. Sure there are terrorists, but there doesn't have to be any evidence for anyone to be called a terrorist and imprisoned without just cause.

  10. First of all, your question is biased, and assumes that I do not support the Patriot Act. If you really wanted opinions you would have asked a neutral question (What do you think about the Patriot Act)  but instead you have slanted the question to get opinions you want! You have a great future ahead of you writing poll questions for the mainstream media!

    I am not against the Patriot Act. I think that when we have enemies that are at war with us, we need to do everything possible to defeat them.

    Have you forgotten 9/11 already? I lost brothers and sisters in the Twin Towers. I personally saw the devastation of the Pentagon and Ground Zero. I know that there are people out there that want to do us harm, in the name of their so call peaceful religion!

    Evil must be defeated!

  11. I am not against it I support it. It is trying to keep us safe from terrorism.

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