
Why are you extreme energy saver and animal saver?

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Why are you extreme energy saver and animal saver?

Would you throw blood on people.

Are you obsessed and cunsume your life to dedicate it to energy saving.

What do you think about people like this are they mental or what?




  1. I save energy because I save money and get rich

    none of use is cruelty free.. even those who claim they are...

    why throw blood on anyone?? thats a waste of blood is it not?

  2. I save energy because I'm CHEAP.

    I  figure animals that can't take care of themselves fall under Darwin's domain.

    Throwing blood? That's SICK!

    Not obsessed, just practical.

    Many are mental.  The rest are Liberal 'dogooders' who can't keep their noses out of other peoples' business.

  3. I am neither. Animals taste good and I like light when I cook, eat, have s*x, watch tv, read, listen to the radio.

  4. I save energy to save me money

    why kill animals indiscriminately farm raised are just that farm raised for our use/consumption

    blood on people your just weird

    not obsessed just my money saving better in my pocket than in the pockets of huge energy corporations

    if people are looking out for there best interest and saving money there not mental just frugal

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