
Why are you people so freaking heartless?

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It doesn't matter whether the h**l or not you like John Cena. He's a PERSON for God's sake. Put his wrestling aside and realize that. No one deserves to be hurt, and no one should be happy about it, especially since it's legitimate.

No, I'm not an obsessed little girl who loves John Cena because he's "oh so s**y".

WQ: Who do you think will replace Cena in the Championship Scramble?




  1. It was worse when he got injured in his match vs. Mr. Kennedy.

    However, him being away for a while will get some negativity off his back. I do agree that it's heartless for people to cheer about John Cena being injured, yet they all show great concern for Triple H, Randy Orton, and Mr. Kennedy.

    WQ: Maybe William Regal, Chris Jericho, or HBK.

  2. thats exactly how i feel! but anyways....i think its going to be chris jericho replacing john cena in the championship scramble.

  3. Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, or Jericho.

    One of those.

  4. I don't think it's funny, my little brother loves John Cena.

    WQ: HBK

  5. im not a cena fan,but i dont want to see anybody get hurt

    wq.. i was thinking y2j..but im think wwe will shock us

  6. WQ: Rey Mysterio.


    I ♥ Mr. Kennedy

  7. I agree, people are freakin cheering about this. It's so messed up

    WA: Randy Orton- I have a feeling he will return

  8. i completely aggre he is a human and he dosent deserve it, and i am 15 and a man. wq//- mysterio or orton

  9. all you hardy "fanz" and cenamaniacs are all alike!

  10. Randy Orton or more likley for a storyline Rey Mysterio



  12. I'm not happy that's he's hurt,I just don't really care.

    wq Rey

  13. amen IT time testify same thing wit team 3d when their  hurt no one cares

    uhh welll top 3 would 1 randy 2 rey 3 d lo brown

  14. randy orton all the wayy!!!!!!

    RKOOOOOO FTW!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Because some people can't put aside the real world from the entertainment world I'm not a Cena fan but I don't wish a serious injury like a neck one on no one and the sad part that this people who are glad to see him hurt are so called man who call Cena fans children when they're the one acting like f_cking children it's sad

    Orton would be sweet to replace Cena but who really knows what the WWE might do I heard Goldberg wants to come back so don't be surprised

  16. rey will be

    stupid batista he should be fired.

  17. YEA THAT HOW I FEEL TO, yall should stop saying bad stuff about him and just appreciate what he does in the WWE, he give his heart out there and  yet you people still reject him, he's a nice person in real life and should not be treated like that , hes person and has feelins to , so yall should respect HIM has not only a wrestler but mostly has a PERSON !!!

  18. i'm not heartless plus i'm a cena fan so even more reason to worry about his injury

    maybe Carlito might get brought back to Raw for it because i was reading that Primo Colon said that he is he's own man and nothing like Carlito and then Adamle had an idea

  19. Ok Im sorry. HAPPY?

    WQ: Y2J

  20. I'm sad. I'm a loyal John Cena fan.

    WQ:William Regal

  21. If John Cena read the WS, maybe I'd feel a little bad. Probably not though.

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