
Why are you putting on your seatbelt?

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Why are you putting on your seatbelt?




  1. If anyone in your car fails to use a seat belt they become a meat-missile during a crash.  They will be killed as well as anyone they hit on the way through the window.  Strap them up or leave them behind.

  2. because i've seen what happens when u dont

  3. I'm not right now but when i ride in car i do..

    I had a cousin inlaw that got thrown from car and landed on a pole, needless to say he didn't live, he  left 3 small kids fatherless, and my cousin to rasie them on her own...

  4. because its illegal not to in Kentucky

  5. Because I don't have $50 for the fine for not putting it on.

  6. Because I pick up the dead and those pinned under the vehicle that rolled on top of them!!

    When I extricate people they usually survive, but those thrown from the vehicle, well.....

  7. It is the law.

  8. I have always worn my restraint whether flying, driving or riding. I flew for a living and know the hazards.

  9. I still can't understand why anybody would go driving around without a seatbelt. Putting my seatbelt on is one of the first things that I do when I get in my car.

  10. I am a truck driver that travels all over Canada. I have seen and witnessed many accidents first hand and been a first responder to many. Accidents that have occured in Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. It doesn't matter the season. The bottom line is that seatbelts have saved the lives of the people that I have seen and believe me, watching someone pinned in their vehicle from a head on crash or seeing someone hit a utility pole and having their kneecap exposed is just not a nice event for anyone to witness. The bottom line is that seatbelts do save lives. It is unfortunate, but accidents do happen. It only takes a split second for it to happen and when it does you will be thankful. You may also consider yourself to be a good driver, however, sometimes these things are not our faults and we cannot judge how someone else will be driving now or in the future. Hope this helps.

  11. because of all the stupid questions I read in answers that convinces me most people have no clue on how to drive

  12. Because my car has the automatic ones that go on when the car is turned on,so I dont actually have to buckle anything.

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