
Why are you religious??

by  |  earlier

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I'm atheist and people always tell me that people turn to religion to fill a hole in there lives of something, is that true though or is there some other reason people are religious?? Btw I'm talking about any religion.




  1. I am religious coz in our religion everything is scientificaly proven. Its not actually a religion, its a culture. And its so vast that even Atheist is also beleive in hinduism. But i don't think any of the western Atheist won't beleive in it and won't even clarify. I bet.

  2. Bringing happiness to own family and others ...


  3. I became religious by reading all of the athiest points of view!!

    The more I read, the more I keep writing......


  4. I'm not religious, I'm spiritual.  There's a HUUUUUUGE difference.

  5. hope or fear

  6. I'm not religious because there's absolutely no scientific evidence suggesting the existence of gods.

  7. No not Religious

    I am Spiritual I was born that way and I will die that way

    Love & Blessings


  8. Peace and blessings be upon you.

    i born in a muslim family believe in the God and practice the religion , pray ,fast , read Koran ,.. and i learnt my religion and still reading as this is so wide and i find the God is the only logic explanation for everything around us, the only explanation for this accuracy in creation , without the God , who iam ,why , where , many questions with no answer.

    We need for the justice and our need for the justice is our proof that the God is present as our need for the water was our proof that the water is present.

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