
Why are you so boisterous to use so often the word **** in your songs?

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Could you have a ******* problem in your ******* life to **** your english so deeply?




  1. Dear you....

    What the world :****** means ? What it sounds too ?

  2. Va te faire foutre ! ! !

  3. A.D.I.D.A.S. my friend, so many ways to bypass those f*****k I N G moral rules.

    If you ever went to the US, you're probably aware of the many strong existing restrictions in the use of F words on TV and mass entertainment.

    It gets so oppressive when you live there that in the end, you'd probably condone such abuses in lyrics and the like... For one, I did.

    Is this language that messed up by the inappropriate use of derogatory words? Probably yes, if you think about an illiterate mainstream audience. Much less so when you come to think of people who went to college and already have a high level of education.

    Anyway, we both know how enjoyable transgression can be ;-)

  4. With your brains you should go far.

  5. okay... then

  6. Peut être parce que "f*ck" est "interdit" aux USA.

    systématiquement "bippé" oralement et effacé ici.

    Politiquement correct ridicule.

    f*ck est tout aussi explicite que si le * était U.

    et on sait très bien se qui se cache derrière le "bip"

    On peut se permettre de parler grossièrement dans la mesure où on est capable de parler poliment; et on peut très bien ignorer ceux qui en sont incapables.

    Quand aux chansons (souvent rap) il me semble que ce sont plus les propos (le fond) qui peuvent parfois être choquants (désinformation ,propagande), que les mots (la forme) qui sont juste une pseudo gangsta-attitude.

    F*king mythomania.

  7. Now steady on young man !! What's all this abusive language about?

    ha ha

    I don't understand what the fuss is all about personally..It's not a sign  of being over boisterous,  but rather a display of a provocative attitude and .. rather less ..appealingly .. ..a certain ..shall we say limited range of vocabulary ...but it is no big deal..See how many people remember that the word " foutre" in French means exactly this ?? Evolution of the language I think it is, let's join in the song...!

    see you !

    PS : oh! reading Shippo's answer...I must mention the great fun that the brand f**k (  French Connection UK )is having  now! What a scream!!

    PS 2 ; You should try and watch an American movie on TV here, where  censorship is fierce  ! Not much script left between the bleeps ah ha ha

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