
Why are you so helpless?

by  |  earlier

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just venting but why do people ask for things on here they could do them selves? like " can someone find me a link to some good short stories?" all of you people make me want to punch babies!




  1. they obviously dont want to considering that there are tons of people who will answer their question and do all the research for them

  2. wow, i was just wondering the same thing along with "why do people vent on yahoo? no one cares"

  3. As someone who made good money in college by writing other people's papers, I can say that some people are just plain uninterested and lazy when it comes to academics and research.

  4. Although... at least those are questions.... ventings kind of against guidelines. People ask when they don't know where to start looking. It's easier, faster, and they usually get the good information immediately, which is faster than trawling though all the rubbish stuff (in terms of that specific example). Also, some ask for support or personal advice and experience. If you don't like those questions, just avoid them.

    I understand though. My big issue is people who ask questions that have been asked a million times before. "Do blind people dream?" comes up at least once or twice a day. They obviously don't even bother putting it in search first...

  5. Urban Dictionary: punch a baby

    punch a baby. When someone is in a state of immense frustration. super pissed off ... baby punch hit smack beat. by I Zack I Jul 8, 2007 email it comments ... - Cached

    1.  punch a baby  49 up, 6 down

    When someone is in a state of immense frustration.

    super pissed off

    That makes me want to punch a baby.

    What the **** im gonna go punch some babies

    punt a baby kiss a baby pissed jews angry

    by conner gfizzle Jun 1, 2006 email it 0 comments  

    2.  Punch A Baby  15 up, 2 down

    The act of being so angry that you want to punch a baby!

    You make me so mad I want to punch a baby!

    punch baby angry babies punching

    by I Zack I Jun 11, 2007 email it 0 comments  

    3.  Punch A Baby  11 up, 5 down

    The act of being so mad you could punch a baby

    I'm so mad I could punch a baby

    baby punch hit smack beat

    by I Zack I Jul 8, 2007 email it 0 comments  

  6. I often wonder this myself.  When I was young, we had to go to the library and sit for hours reading books and now, all you have to do is type the question into the address bar, and POOF!  an entire library of information.  

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