
Why are you so ignorant about Obama? ?

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Whoever said "he lived in the USA but was associated with "the black church" and Islam," where'd you get your info? Fox news? The man has no ties to Islam. Grow a brain.




  1. I can't vouch for any Islamic beliefs he might or might not have, but he was indeed associated with a militant black church. That's pretty much public knowledge - no specific source.

    He has since disavowed himself from this association - why would he do this if it wasn't a valid concern for most Americans?

  2. yea you dumbos nobama has a site to deny, facts that keep coming up on cnn's truth detector aka msnbc

  3. You are making a gigantic generalization with your question. I am not ignorant of Senator Obama's background. I read his book. I know he is not a Muslim. If he were, it wouldn't matter one bit. To me Al Queda is the Ku Klux Klan of Islam and I do not hold all Muslims responsible for the Harram (offense against the Koran) committed by Al Queda anymore than I hold all Protestants responsible for the maniacs in the Klan.

    But, by his own admission in his own book he gives great credence to "Frank" as his childhood mentor in Hawaii. So, I suggest you do a web search on Frank Marshall Davis yourself. I'll leave it to you to decide how much of an influence the Senator's Marxist childhood mentor made on him.  

  4. You're so right.  There are many immature people on here (I'm hoping they're too young to vote) who don't know how to do their own research and fact-checking.  They simply parrot everything they hear from their parents, Rush, Hannity, Michael Savage (ewww) and post it here to irritate everyone.

    Obama has a site for checking these smears,, for this type of person, but they probably don't use it.

  5. He's hawaiian?  Hawaiians have a different religion than islamist fascism.

  6. You really shouldn't speak of ignorance when his Indonesian school records say Islam for religion and he went to Trinity Church in Chicago for 20 years, that openly followed black tenets. Do a little home work yourself. Those are just proved facts.

  7. Obama is been associated with some shady people including: Resco, Wright, Farrakhan, Quadaffi, Ayers, and Meeks just to name a few.

    Fact… check it!

    You don't just quit a church after 20 and have people believe its for real.

  8. Apparently, you don't know about the Holy Trinity Church and Jeremiah Wright in Chicago.  And you don't know about Wright's pro-Hamas articles in the church newsletter.  And you don't know about Wright's anti-white statements.  All that, while your annointed one was a member of that "black church."  Sorry, but you just aren't clued in to what's going on.

  9. When you say, "the man has no ties to Islam," you are telling me that you haven't read his autobiography.  Note: Obama's autobiography was not written by Fox News.

  10. do you really think obama is good? i think he sucks and hope mccain beats him!! if you disagree you should go vote for obama on this site..

  11. I think we can rule out a public relations career for you.


  12. Racism is still prevalent in our country, unfortunately.

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