
Why are you spending all day on john edwards, when you have a possible war in russia.

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Why are you spending all day on john edwards, when you have a possible war in russia.




  1. Don't you realize that this is the reason the story broke today on a Friday and during a possible war with Russia. It was supposed to not get much coverage.

  2. Georgia is not Russia.

    Russia was sent into South Ossetia to protect the people there who requested Russian help.  South Ossetia has claimed independence from Georgia, similar to Kosovan independence but the international community has ignored South Ossetia.  So Georgia attacked South Ossetia to reassert control.  Killing in the process 1500 civilians.  The Georgians are the aggressors here, but Russia is fanning the flames for their own benefit.

  3. I get your sentiment but we have a possible war every where right now.

  4. I'm not spending all day on Edwards.  I'm not a neocon.

  5. The reason is because this is another example of US foreign policy in effect without the understanding, knowledge, or consent of its population.

    If we spend more than 5 minutes on this, let alone in depth coverage, we would have to explain to the public why we are to care what happens in Russia's backyard when we are already at war with two nations, going on a third, and our economy is being bought up by China and the Oil emirs.

    The US is trying to build a pipeline for oil and gas through Georgia in order to bypass Russia and Iran on their way to Caspian Sea riches.  Why else would we support the Georgian govt desire to reign in its breakaway provinces, that are overwhelmingly pro-Russian to begin with?!  We have been trying to get them Georgia into NATO to further this pipeline dream.

    Unfortunately for Georgia and our Caspian dreams, we have no ability to project power over our intentions.  We guarantee their security but are powerless to do anything against the Russians from stepping in.  If we were even to start arming them, the Russians would respond by finishing their deliveries of S-300 antiair missiles to the Iranians.  Iran would get even more sphisticated equipement and the Israeli would not be too happy with us.

    Since Israel comes before our Caspian oil adventure, Georgia will suffer for gambling on Western support, and Russia using the casus belli of Georgian movements into South Ossetia, provoked or not, will come out with both break away regions under its belt.

    Alot easier to focus on the Edwards scandal isnt it?

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