
Why are you treating Muslims like that ?

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why do Americans hate Arab and Muslims ?

probably you'd say because of 9/11

and then I'd tell you should you treat a whole community according to a small stupid race which blow them selves up and call them selves Muslims.

If you treated a peaceful Muslim like a terrorist and despised him, may be he'd be like that someday as you motivated him to be from your hatred and scorn towards him/her.




  1. Whatever. It's not just America that 'hate' Muslims either. They aren't exactly the pinnacle of popularity in Europe.  

  2. HM..its a good question and needs a good answer,anyways i think that they just do this because of 11/9 events,they saw islam in a wrong picture,man they see muslims as a mad man with a long beard and a belief of lets kill who's not a muslim.....the true fault here is that they did not read the qur2n properly, qur2an consists of verses and it talks about events that happened in the past ,like most of the verses which they are using to justify their sayings,these verses are talking about battles which happened in the brief i am a muslim i hate crime i dont have a beard and i have many chris friends plz plz plz don't talk about islam before u read and understand islam from a muslims like i don't talk about christianity without asking a the end the people who kill others are siners in islam so ppl who r responsible for what happened on 11/9 are not true muslims and we don't count them as muslims.

  3. The Qur’an states that Islam – the complete submission of man before his one and only Unique Creator – is the one and only faith and way of life consistently revealed by God to humankind from the very beginning. Noah, Solomon, David, Abraham, Moses, Isaac and Jesus (pbuh) – prophets who appeared at different times and places – all propagated the same faith and conveyed the same message of Tawheed (Oneness of God), Risaalat (Prophethood) and Aakhirah (the Hereafter).

    These prophets of God were not founders of different religions to be named after them. They were each reiterating the message and faith of their predecessors.

    However, Muhammad (pbuh) was the last Prophet of God. God revived through him the same genuine faith which had been conveyed by all His Prophets. This original message was earlier corrupted and split into various religions by people of different ages, who indulged in interpolations and admixture. These alien elements were eliminated by God, and Islam – in its pure and original form – was transmitted to humankind through Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

    Since there was to be no messenger after Muhammad (pbuh), the Book revealed to him (i.e. the Glorious Qur’an) was preserved word for word so that it should be a source of guidance for all times.

    Thus the religion of all the prophets was ‘total submission to God’s will’ and one word for that in the Arabic language is ‘Islam’. Abraham and Jesus (peace be upon them) too were Muslims, as Allah testifies in Al-Qur'an 3:67 and 3:52 respectively.

    Islam is embraced by so many humans in all centuries because it is the Truth and it provides practical and comprehensive solutions to problems of humankind. Islam not only teaches good things but also shows practical ways of achieving that state of goodness.

    Your surprise regarding many people embracing Islam is justified. Today, though Islam happens to be the fastest growing religion in the world, it also happens to be the religion about which people have maximum number of misconceptions. This is largely because of the virulent propaganda by the media about Islam.

    A Christian surveyor, Professor Edward reported in the Time Magazine of April 16, 1979 that in a span of 150 years, from 1800 CE to 1950 CE “over 60,000 books have been written against Islam by the Christian West.”  Now, it is questionable, who has initiated, nurtured and collected the hatred which you have referred to, the Muslims or the Christian West?

    Many are surprised that despite such propaganda being made against Islam, it still happens to be the fastest growing religion in today’s times. It is so, on the merits of its superior and noble teachings. Says Allah swt in the Glorious Qur'an:

    “They (the non-Muslim enemies and critics of Islam) plot and plan, and Allah too plans; but the best of planners is Allah”.

    (Al-Qur'an 8:30)

    The terrorist acts attributed to Muslim suspects, should not be attributed to Islam or the Muslims in general but to individual human weaknesses. Such human failings occur among all religious and ethnic groups. Recorded history has not witnessed an incident similar to the ‘Holocaust’. However, one is not expected to and should not attribute the holocaust to Christianity or to Christians in general.

    A number of skeptics have made comments about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Skeptics allege that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was “a violent man, a man of war”. Some further state that "Jesus set the example for love, as did Moses … Muhammad set an opposite example” (remember Jerry Falwell?). These skeptics somehow fail to realize that far from being a man of war, “…he (Muhammad) must be called the saviour of humanity”, as described thus by George Bernard Shaw.

    Though the portrayal of Moses and Jesus (pbut) of being peace-loving people is fully in accordance with the teachings of the Qur’an, the Biblical testimony is contrary to it. Many quotations from these Biblical testimonies can be given to substantiate this claim, but considering the length of the answer, I will simply furnish ONE incident that will prove my point, because in this ONE incident, no less than three thousand people were killed by the sword at the command of Biblical Moses. We read:

    “(Moses said): ‘Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbour’.  The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died.”   (Exodus 32:27-28, NIV)

    It is also a well-known fact that the total number of deaths that took place in ALL the wars fought during the time of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was 1018. The biblical quotation given above and many such quotations appear to escape the grasp of those who allege against Muhammad (pbuh), further ignoring the words of Jesus:

    “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with

  4. If you say all Americans hate Arabs and Muslims, I would tell you that you should not treat a whole community according to a small minority which spew hatred in the name of patriotism. Most Americans are Christians, and are taught to not only love one another but to love our enemies. Yeah, that means we even are taught to love the poor delusioned few who defame the Holy Name of God by blowing themselves up.

  5. because media is in there hands they do want ever they want



    What is  definition of terrorism. The present "War on Terror" is a curious phenomenon, since war itself is terror.


    What is the feeling of the people when they hear the roar of war planes over their homes?


    Does breaking open the homes of civilians at midnight and charging in with machine guns terrify people?


    What do you call those people who drop cluster bombs on innocent humans from a B2 bomber?

    But the media reserve the word "terrorists" exclusively for those who resist invaders and occupiers as in Iraq, Palestine, and Afghanistan, for example.

    Are some people born with "terrorist genes"? If not, what makes them "terrorists"?

    Indeed people are made terrorists by psychopathology. When homes are demolished, when schools and hospitals are made to tumble on the heads of humans, and when kids are torn to pieces, there is terrible danger. Because people become desperate, their sense of utter helplessness translates into vengeance that wreaks havoc.

    But the media speak of "terrorists" who hate freedom so much that they plot to kill Americans, as they are the freest people in the world. T he conclusion that the media draw is that their religion teaches them to hate and kill free people.

    Modern wars are fought on various battlefronts, not least on the media front.Hype, slant, and spin are the order of the day in the media world.

    People are not bothered by the terrible hypocrisy and double standards of the leaders of "the civilized world," and of the media under their control. They present Islam as "terrorist Islam" in order to push their imperialist agenda. And the real causes of the conflicts are blurred out.

    For instance, a few years ago, when the Oklahoma City bomb went off, one of the newspaper - The Today - wanted to capitalize on the American bias against Islam. So, with a picture of a fire fighter holding a dead child in his arms, the headline read: "In The Name of Islam"!!

    On the other hand

    Few days ago

    US-led Coalition Forces dropped bomb on a MADRASA(  Islamic religious School) killing 83, (5 to14 years) children in Pakistani territory,

    I myself have seen dead bodies. I can’t describe hate, extreme dislike, overflowing from their eyes.

    But it didn’t come in any news paper of  the World



    I know what Osama bin laden did but for one man can you kill the whole country……..if this one man is a reason to destroy the whole country



    what about those criminals, Killers, most wanted by other counties who had taken shelter in  America, and Europe…………

  6. i  guess  its  cos  of  9/11, the  bomb  blasts  in  london,madrid .

    the  reason  the  whole community  gts  the  same  trtmnt  is  cos  they  have  no  way  of  differentiating  the  terrorists  frm  the moderates(  same  dress  ,beard,  religiosity,culture).also,the quran  exhorts  the  muslims  to  kill  the infidels.and  trt  the  women  as  second class  citizens.  this  too  offends  the  west.they  think a  holy  book  says  all  this  the  faithful  can  be  no  better.

  7. I think because they are afraid of the islamic spread around the world, while at the same time they need oil and gas that coincidently located in many islamic countries.

    But i also believe those americans that doesn't hate islam / arabs are more in number then those who hates.

  8. I would not use the word hate, rather suspicious because of all the hate crimes that are being done by factions of Islam.

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