
Why are you vegetarian?

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And , can you please tell me how I can

ease into it after 34 years of meat eating?

Also, do you feel any spiritual benefits?

Thanks !!




  1. B/c I am a spiritual yogi since 32yrs.

  2. when i was 12, I looked on

    the video changed my life.

  3. Why be vegan? Animals are delicious! If its for religious reasons or personal/health reasons, then no problem, but as for my vegan friends on a moral crusade that everyone eating meat is a murderer, I am sponsering them through the 'Sponsor a Vegetarian' program. I simply invite my vegan friends to a nice resturant, order a meat dish, plus one meat item for each one they dont order, plus another meat item to eat just out of spite. Do you have any idea how many small animals are killed in the combines of harvesters that harvest for vegan diets? At least Im eating the ones killed and not letting them go to waste, and since when have plants become scientifically classified as non-living? Evidence please?  Why the double standard? I think I'm going to order a steak just out of spite.

  4. I am Indian and I have grown up in a veggie environment due to culture and religion. (Not all Hindus are vegetarians. Just look at the Eastern, Northern and Southern regions of India that eat meat and seafood).

    It is possible to turn vegetarian if you want to. Dont force yourself. Maybe you can start by cutting out red meat for about 4-5 months, then give up chicken, then fish etc.  But make sure that while you are giving up these foods you try new veggie recipes so that you get used to it. There are great substitutes on the market (try Morningstar veggie burgers, Tofurky, etc). Also include soy, tofu, beans, nuts, lentils and plenty of fresh veggies and fruits in your diet.

    As a side note: My dad did eat meat for almost 20+ yrs and 5 yrs ago gave it up entirely (at a friend's request). I would never tell my dad this but I believe his vegetarian diet has made him happier. He was suffering from depression and in the past few years I have noticed that he is more approachable and tends to get less angry. I don't know if the adage of 'You are what you eat' holds true but it has worked for my dad.

    I am not very religious or extremely spiritual but the one thought I have always had about being a vegetarian is this : if my body can sustain itself on veggies, fruits, nuts, beans, etc then why should I harm another living animal, which also has a soul like me  (according to Hindu beliefs all living things have a soul) to continue my life. Not preaching but since you asked this is my belief.

    As a side note, Indian vedas state that all foods cause a positive or negative effect on the mind/body. Some foods cool and soothe us while others make us angry/sad etc; so based on that I would say it is also good to avoid meat. But it is a personal choice and nobody should be forced to change their lifestyle

  5. I believe that many people are vegetarian because it's a fad.

  6. I am vegan because I saw this:  I never ate meat or consumed any animal products since then.

  7. i am vegetarian,  i did it because i have love animals and think its not fair towards the animals, why should they die so we can eat them :\ ?

    but thats just my opinion

  8. My guess is that it is a personal choice for most, while some are vegetarian for religious reasons.

    I'm not a vegetarian, but there is something to be said for moderation and looking for local sources for food.

  9. I'm not a vegetarian, personally it is my opinion that we as humans are designed to eat meat. However, if a person chooses to be vegetarian, then it is their choice, and as long as they dont try ramming their beliefs down my throat, i dont have a problem with the fact that they choose not to eat meat.

  10. No, and No!

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