
Why aren’t Halry Davidson’s allowed in the carpool lane?

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I mean there is only one seat, so technically you are carpooling. I can weave my bike in between traffic when all the cards are stopped so why not? Plus Halry Riders do a lot for the community such as safety programs (like loud pipes to warn others) and they embrace clean air technology. My Prius has a small golden diamond stamp on the bumper and gets to use the carpool lane for using clean technology. Why doesn’t Halry Davison issue the same sticker for their bikes? The Harly engine burns much less fuel than other fossil fuel engines so it is green air approved. Harly’s are American bikes so they should be held in higher regard than other manufacturers and allowed certain privileges such as carpool lanes.

Your thoughts?




  1. Carpooling is having more than one person in your vehicle, so there are fewer cars on the road. Just because you can't have more than one person on your bike doesn't mean that you're carpooling.

    If Harley Davidsons were allowed in the carpool lane, then it would defeat the purpose of encouraging people to carpool.

  2. Maybe it's because the riders don't know how to spell Harley. lol But most places the car pool lane is labeled HOV or High Occupancy and requires at least two passengers and some places three or more.

  3. Motorbikes are allowed in the HOV lane in Texas.  (HOV - High Occupancy Vehicle, or carpool)

  4. While I am not a Harley Davidson owner, don't be surprised if the boys from Milwaukee show up to repossess your bike due to the mangling of their good name.

    That said, one aspect I will say for Harley's is the fact they do get good gas mileage.  Most HD riders I have spoken to report 40 plus mpg.  Is your bike equipped with computer controlled fuel injected and equipped with a catalytic converter ?  If not your bike will put out more pollution than a car.

    A note to HD Williams again, there is nothing to admire when people like you go out of their way to ruin a good driving/riding experience for other with your obnoxious loud pipes.  You are harming the image of motorcycling with this foolish notion that loud pipes save lives.  I can't stand being around bikes with loud pipes.  To rely on such a short range misguided passive alleged "safety feature" is simply foolhardy.  I rely on my vision and what is between my ears.  In fact because my Gold Wing is quiet, I can hear the other vehicles.  I make the decisions regarding safe riding.  I do not let others decide my safety.  As to admiring your bike, the majority of Harley's only get a passing glance.  Fairly dime a dozen (sorry to the rest of the HD riders that read this comment.  You could say the same for my Gold Wing) and if I am drooling at your bike I am not paying attention to traffic.  In fact I rarely look at other cycles on the road.  Paying attention to traffic is the name of the game, not feeding your inflated cycling ego.  But if I see you on the road I will wave, as I do to all other riders.

    PS, My Honda Gold Wing was made in Marysville Ohio.  In fact the Marysville plant has been in operation since 1979.

  5. Why don't you know its spelled Harley not Harly?

  6. my thought is if you actually have a harley then why cant you spell it correctly??


    H-A-R-L-E-Y   just go look off the tank! and im sure if you really own one that you have a shirt or some other paraphenilia that has the logo on it! geesh!

    and we dont have carpool lanes around here so i dont know about that but i like to ride my M/C to work because its better on gas than most of what i own.

  7. American doesnt make it any better that a tricycle. And it sure doesnt gve you any privelage to use certain lanes or to be held higher than another vehicle. Carpooling is where a group od people get together so they drive in one car instead of six=less emissions. And P.S. Quit weaving in and out of traffic before you regret it. Irresponsible people like yourself cause wrecks.

  8. "Harly’s are American bikes so they should be held in higher regard than other manufacturers and allowed certain privileges such as carpool lanes. "  

    - You lost me there!  Higher regard?  Harley Davidson used Porsche of Germany to develop the V-Rod engine and allot of the aftermarket HD factory parts are made overseas.  They are not clean engines compared too many other manufacturers, get less gas mileage and produce more emissions.  Every manufacturer has rider groups and contribute to the community.  Honda just donated 1 million to the Detroit Symphony Orchestra.

    Car pooling is to save gas and improve the environment by allowing multiple passengers.  It is a state by state law.

  9. you mean harly davidsons ? :<

  10. It's Harley.

    In TX all bikes are allowed in the carpool lane. If you want to get bikes allowed in your state, join the AMA and have them fight for your rights.

    All the other stuff about Harleys and their riders being magnanimus assets to the community and being american made is flag waving claptrap.

  11. Im not going to bash on you spelling.  Motorcycles are generally allowed in the HOV in most states, but each state makes their own regulations.  And its not because you ride a Harley, it would be any motorcycle.  And just FYI, you cant weave or pass cars in the same lane in Nevada, so even that varies by state.

  12. Motorcycles are allowed in the carpool lane in California, but many times I prefer to travel in the other lanes, even when there's lots of traffic.  People appreciate it more because they can get a better view of my Harley and they get to spend more time enjoying the rumble of my loud pipes.  I'll typically do it after getting my Harley leathers back from the cleaners so I know I'm looking sharp as well.  It makes me feel like I am doing the community a service by sharing these things with the less fortunate people that have to sit in traffic because they can't afford a Harley.

  13. One of the points of having a carpool or HOV lane is to encourage people to share a ride and decrease the number of vehicles on the road.  A single rider on a Harley is just another polluter on the road and one more vehicle to tie up traffic and create accidents.  While the carpool lane is partly about energy conservation, its also about alleviating the miserable traffic congestion around big cities and motorcyclists don't help by weaving in, out and around where other drivers can't see them or are startled by them and they create accidents.  I have nothing against motorcyclists as long as they are willing to take turns and follow the rules of the road like automobiles and trucks.  Just my own opinion, since you asked.

  14. more then one person being tranported.

  15. i don't know what state your from, but in CA, you are allowed to ride a motorcycle in the car pool lane.

  16. I live in California and any motorcycle is allowed in the carpool lane. I think that you can ride there in pretty much any state. The little bit about "safety programs for the community = loud pipes" c'mon, thats not a program for the community, sure loud pipes save lives, but trying to say that its for the community is absolutely ridiculous. It is solely for the safety of the driver. Also, just because the bike is made in the USA does not give any special privileges, don't kid yourself.

  17. I don't care if they are allowed or not.  I ride a Harley and I do what I want.  I ride between cars in the carpool lane, whatever.  I ride the shoulder a lot too.  Much faster.  And everybody knows I'm coming thanks to my loud pipe, so it's really safe.

  18. California:  motorcycles can go in the carpool lane, last time I checked.  Not that you'd want to.  That's where the trash from half of the other lanes ends up.

    ...and are you sure your Harley burns much less fuel?  Some of these cars are getting pretty good mpg.

  19. Noooo, you are not "technically" carpooling at all when riding a Harley, and to even suggest otherwise is pretty nuts.

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