
Why aren't Al Gore & Co. including this in all of their global warming presentations??

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Russian scientist says Earth could soon face new Ice Age

22/01/2008 14:31 ST. PETERSBURG, January 22 (RIA Novosti) - Temperatures on Earth have stabilized in the past decade, and the planet should brace itself for a new Ice Age rather than global warming, a Russian scientist said in an interview with RIA Novosti Tuesday. …said Khabibullo Abdusamatov, head of a space research lab at the Pulkovo observatory in St. Petersburg.

According to the scientist, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere has risen more than 4% in the past decade, but global warming has practically stopped. It confirms the theory of "solar" impact on changes in the Earth's climate, because the amount of solar energy reaching the planet has drastically decreased during the same period, the scientist said.

He also said that in 2008, global temperatures would drop slightly, rather than rise, due to unprecedentedly low solar radiation in the past 30 years, and would continue decreasing even if industrial emissions of carbon dioxide reach record levels.

"By the mid-21st century the planet will face another Little Ice Age, similar to the Maunder Minimum, because the amount of solar radiation hitting the Earth has been constantly decreasing since the 1990s and will reach its minimum approximately in 2041," he said.

Therefore, the Earth must brace itself for a growing ice cap, rather than rising waters in global oceans caused by ice melting.




  1. There is quite a lot of things he (Gore) leaves out although he have has some good points.

    For example, he never mentions that keeping livestock for food causes more harmful emissions than all the transportation on Earth.

  2. tickle

  3. So because one scientist says we are headed for an ice age, we should ignore what EVERY major scientific organization (NAS, AAAS, NASA...)?  I mean why would you believe what he is saying but not what all those scientists are saying.

  4. Only time will tell if he is right. How about they include something like this (notice this comes from NASA).

  5. Because nobody thinks Abdusamatov is right, because his conclusions aren't based on scientific evidence.  For example, the entire premise of his argument is wrong:;...

    Just think about it - solar output has not increased in 30 years, yet during that period global temperatures have increased 0.5°C.  Why should solar effects (with a radiative forcing more than an order of magnitude smaller than the forcing from CO2 alone) suddenly swamp out anthropogenic effects?  It's just poor science.  Why do you want "Gore & Co." to include every crackpot's theory in their presentations?

    willow - nice job referencing quite possibly the worst climate science paper ever written.

  6. Because if you REALLY look at Earth history we will be consumed by Fire not water next

  7. Because it does not fit "THE STORY".

  8. i'm preparing myself for a cold period, Abdusamatov is only one of many scientists that are saying this, check this out for another

  9. Are you suggesting that the US should ignore the findings of their own scientists and look to Russia for leadership?

    Given the backwardness of the Russian science programs, discovered after the end of the cold war (due primarily to their isolationism from the more advanced West), I hardly think allowing a single Russian scientists claim to trump the conclusion of numerous US, Japanese, Western European, etc. scientists a credible suggestion.

    And to think, some doubters have accused AGW realists with being communists.

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