
Why aren't American children worthy of a first class education?

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It's thoughts like these that make me worry about the future of the US.




  1. It's people like you who make me worry about the future of the US.  I would love to be able to provide free college education to all of our children.  There is one small problem with that though.  NOTHING IS FREE!  Do you understand that having children is a choice?  If you are not prepared to provide for your future children, this includes college, then you shouldn't be having them.  Don't you think it is a bit arrogant when two unprepared people have children, and then demand that someone else provide for their child, as in a college education?  You are not entitled to other people's money, just because you might be able to put it to a good use.  Do you understand that the freedom this country was founded on, is not the freedom to stick your hand in someone else's pocket when you feel like it.  In conclusion, American children are worthy of a first class education, but they are not entitled to it.

  2. They are.  That's why you should keep your children far away from government funded schools.

  3. Social darwinianism is the best thing for them.

    God wants some of them to sink and some of them to swim, especially when not all of them go to the correct church every week.

  4. We're certainly spending enough to get them first class educations.

    A leaked report, from the school system, shows that inner-city schools in our city are getting $17,900 per student yet less than 50% can pass the state testing.

    How much more do you think it will take to get the job done?

  5. A "first class education" BEGINS at home!

  6. The rich have to get richer and don't want to pay higher taxes to educate all of the illegal's children that they let in. LOOK, people are just too apathetic nowadays, they're not even lifting a finger to protest, the war,the debt, the Plutocrats...Too busy buying huge cars and homes that they cannot afford. If the government keeps borrowing, why can't I? Sure doesn't pay to save-inflation. Republicans-ya gotta laugh and cry at the same time.

  7. Not all children need or are intellectually capable of college. Regardless of how much money they have... which is why I support measures to block less qualified people from getting high grade degrees which they get because they are rich or the pay other to write their papers for them, also no one should just get passed along because they are athletes or because of affirmative action.

    Of course the Obamas wouldn't support anything like that... because getting passed along is how Mr. Obama got where he is today.

  8. They are, but the teachers union is more worried about themselves. This is why I change my focus in college.

    Think about this, in the pass we have spent less on educating one person then now. And I mean all being equal comparison of today verses yesterday. But look at all the greats from the pass educational system: Bill Gates, William F. Buckley, Donald Trump, Alan Greenspan, and my dad (he attended a one room school house). It's all about quality teaching not how much the school district is getting or the salary of the teachers.

    Sorry about the little rant. Take care.

  9. They are.

    They just don't get anything near it thanks largely in part to the teachers' unions and government education.

  10. We spend a ton of money on education right now and the results aren't there.  Government run colleges sure aren't going to help anything.  I kept my daughter out of government schools and she is excelling in college and the per child outlay at her school was less than half what the government spends in their schools..

  11. yep, government pretty much forces middle and lower class children to go to the school of it's choice. Vouchers would lead to competition among schools, which would lead to higher education for most children. The only ones that would be left out would be the children of parents who don't give a c**p about anything except for themselves.

  12. What's "fist class" education? Does that mean the desk's recline flat and have a personal DVD player?

    1st thing that needs to be done is to abolish the Dept of Education. The federal gov't should get out of education............unless of course they plan to fund it.

  13. They sure are. Abolish NCLB. Let the teachers actually teach and inspire. Give the poorer districts and schools more money and the encouragement to succeed.

  14. Every child is entitled to the OPPORTUNITY for a first class education, which is a far cry from Democratic proposals.  This makes a nice little sound bite until you consider some of the reasons that education is in such sad shape in America.  Many parents no longer parent, leaving their children unsupervised and not teaching them the concept of personal responsibility. There actually was a time that a child was more concerned about what they would face at home if they got into trouble at school than any punishment the teachers could mete out.  When raising my 3 children as a single mother, I always presented a united front with the school in front of the children.  They were to always respect their teachers, no matter what.  If I had an issue with a teacher, and on occasion I did, I handled it adult to adult.  Today's  teachers are not committed and, with under the cloak of the Teacher's Union, fight any accountiblilty: Drug test the students, but not the teachers; test the students knowledge, but, heaven forbid a teacher should have to demonstrate knowledge of the subject she/he is teaching; tenured teachers (reached by just hanging around long enough) cannot be fired without a double act of Congress, leaving convicted felons, in jail, drawing a salary while they appeal their termination.  

    It is a fact of life that every child is not college material, but to reach the lofty goal of the sound bite, we must dumb down those who are the brightest and best.  Every child deserves the opportunity to reach their individual potential.  

  15. Everyone has to have a first class.  Even if you skip the first few classes, the first class you attend will be your first class.  And it doesn't matter if its in first grade or in college, the first class is what she is talking about.  You learn what you are going to learn in the first class.  After that, no one really pays attention.  Hey, are you paying attention?  Hey!

  16. According to cons on Y!A definitely not.  They would rather take the money from education and bomb children in Iraq because cons are so cowardly they live in fear of Iraqi children.  I'm sick of these immoral jerks.  It's definitely time for a change in this country to make it a better place.

    Obama '08

  17. Because our school system and NTA is a left wing liberal Democrat organization. They don't want to graduate thinkers only followers of the socialist Democrats. That's why private schools are booming.

  18. I have never understood why people expect the USA to be competitive in the world, but then say stuff like "education begins at home."

    Its funny how you don't have to be born into money or a healthy family to have a 1st class education in other industrialized countries.

  19. Well, who IS going to pay for it?  She wants to pay for every single person in America, and illegal aliens, to go to college.  Not everyone needs to go to college, and others can't succeed at college.  There is this illusion in America that all people need to go to college.  There is nothing wrong with job trades, which we are sorely lacking and you can't get in college.  Also, if the government wants to pay everyone's way, how do we decide where we can go to college.

    In addition, their idea of a 1st class education is to throw money at a government school system that has been a catastrophic failure in recent decades.  We now have kids who graduate that can't read, write, do basic math, or even find the US on a map.  We have thrown billions of dollars at education, but performance has decreased because the teachers' union has managed to protect substandard teachers and left-wing court decisions have taken discipline out of the classroom.  Dems have also fought efforts to provide funding for private schools and Montessori schools that take kids with special skills and interests and help develop these abilities.  

    It's all a run for money and power.

  20. the politicians say  children deserve a first class education but our school system is failing because they are not providing the money for it

  21. the statement was made to bring light to the fact that american tax payers would be forced to pay for the educational expenses whether they wanted to or not

    governement has no money. NO MONEY. the money that is used is mine and yours. remember that when you want new roads and education and police around every corner and healthcare all paid for by 'the government.' the government has NO MONEY. that stuff isn't free, it's paid for by people like me and you, whether we like it or not

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