
Why aren't Americans mad at Canada over oil prices?

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We get over 1/2 of our oil from Canada. Some say that it is not about oil - it's about radical terrorism. But at $4 a gallon - it is about oil and the prices we pay daily. When are we as a people going to say enough is enough?




  1. Because Canada isn't responsible.  Oil is a worldwide market, and no one country has control over pricing.  If you want to rail at somebody, Congress is a suitable target: the oil shortage is costing the economy a billion dollars a day -- but no caribou on the ANWR need look at an oil rig.  Isn't that nice?

  2. Canada is not responsible. The problem is with the way the market is run. The problem was that only 5% of the oil traded on the NYMEX is actually collected most of it is just speculated on. When the housing markets crashed speculators moved to oil to manipulate that system creating the sudden rise in oil prices.

    As well Canadians are pissed at America because 45% of your oil comes from here. Under the rules of NAFTA once Canada starts trading a commodity with America we cannot decrease how much we send across the border. For instance if we have a surplus of grain and sell more and the next year there is a drought we have to cu down the amount of out grain that goes to Canadians.

  3. How about providing a source for your claim. I smell BS.

  4. Why are the oil companies complaining about the House demanding that if they get the drilling leases they must act on them immediately not sell them to someone else for profit? They have no intention of drilling and producing more oil because it's just not in the oil industries interest to do so! They want shortages to justify really raising the price sky high and the sooner the better in their mind! Their problem is that the public is driving less and buying less each day that goes by and they are almost at a glut instead of a shortage!

  5. when people start noticing that offshore drilling is not a solution....renewable resources are. offshore drilling will bring prices down, but it take awhile for that to get into affect first off all, and second of all, when we run out of that short supply of oil (10 years), oil prices will be way worse than they are presently. americans are so lost in the crisis of paying for high gas prices, they dont notice what the real solution is!

  6. Canada doesn't control the price of oil. Why should we be mad at them?

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