
Why aren't Energy Saving IntelliPlugs fitted to all new appliances?

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Have a look at the link above. Quoted below:

'When your desktop computer is switched on, Intelliplug automatically provides power to the monitor, printer, speakers etc via its patented auto-calibration system as well as providing surge protection for the whole system. When the computer is turned off, Intelliplug automatically switches off power to the peripherals, saving money as well as saving energy.'

If we have the technology why aren't these Energy Saving Intelliplugs fitted to all new appliances by law?




  1. Later this year because PG&E has demanded it, computers will be able to be turned off and when turned back on they will start with the programs that where running when turned off and without delay. That is what I am waiting for!

  2. You are right, I agree with you, should be done soon as possible,

  3. I have a power strip that works just as good.

  4. I bought something along those lines (bigger) for me and my dad many many years ago--mostly to make sure everything was turned off when you aren't working on your computer.  It's a thing that you plug all your computer equipment into, each plug has an on-off switch so you can click on only the things you need to use, and it also has a master on-off switch so you can turn everything off at once.  It's thin and sits under my monitor.

    I've been looking for a plug gizmo for the other electric things in our home.  Years ago many of the environmentally positive catalogs used to offer a plug thing--plugs into the wall socket, electric item gets plugged into that--and the green socket turns off ALL the electricity to the item when the item's on-off switch is off so you aren't feeding all those "stand by" lights and such.  When I go to bed at night and shut everything down, there are small red and green lights on everywhere--tv, VCR, DVD, phone machine, power strip, etc.  And now that I need these green sockets, I CAN'T FIND THEM anywhere.

  5. I don't want one.  

    Are you telling me I have to have one even if I don't want one?

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