
Why aren't I happy, all answers apprieated?

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my lifes not bad but I don't have a boyfriend(wish I had 1) and when I see disabled people ior something it makes me feel sad for them, even though it's not my problem, and it puts a damper on my whole day. Why is this,sometimes I just feel lonley and sad, could I be depressed? And if so,what can I so about it??




  1. in the china country when the people sad we kick them in nuts and they not feel sad but feel pain. in japan they slapped with the tuna in faces. try to distract mind with other something..

  2. You could be depressed.  Or maybe you just are caught in the negative.  Instead of thinking, "Oh that poor person in the wheel chair, how awful."  Maybe you could think, "Isn't that person lucky to have a wheel chair so they can get around."  Turn those negative thoughts around and make them positive.  You know, the person in the wheel chair may have a better outlook on life than you do.  

    Make a list of all the things you have to be grateful for.  Then start thinking how lucky you are.  Do things for other people and feel good about that.

    You don't have to stay down in the dumps.


  3. feeling sad for other people shows you got heart, and have a concious, i experiance that also so dont feel alone! dont sweat the small stuff, dont worry and be happy, appreciate what you do have rather than what you patiant, life changes drastically! expect the unexpected

  4. i have a very good example.. eddie murphey once said.. i have everything the world can offer.. but i am still not a happy person. well.. i know why.. this might sound very strange to you if you are not a christian but if you aren't there is not a joyful spirit around you.. God gives people joy.. He really does.. and i am a young girl and you would  think that i would be a depressed teenager who all they do is hate their  parents.. and i dont have a boyfriend.. we just moved and i have a good reason to be sad.. so God is always there for you..

  5. you are depressed and there are many ways to treat it, I'm depressed too

    1. You can start to excersise, for some reason that always helps, maybe jog for 10mins every day

    2. eat healthy, maybe more fruit and vegetables, just no junk food

    3. Hang out with positive friends, who really appreciate your company

  6. Why aren't you happy? Happiness first of all comes from's how you choose to see a situation..when you are feeling sad try listening what you are thinking at the may surprise yourself. I know it may sound cheesy but Happiness really is a choice...believe it or not.

  7. that's life sweety... you should just focus on what the good things are and not dwell on the bad.

    edit: LOL dean are you serious?? thanks for the laugh, in any case :)

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