
Why aren't airplanes equipped with parachutes?

by Guest62956  |  earlier

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Why aren't airplanes equipped with parachutes?




  1. People on the ground complained too much when it rained down people in their neighborhoods.They make a parachute for a cessna sized plane to parachute it to the ground if need be.

  2. they don't float, taste awfull, don't entertain and you can't burn them for fuel. why would you want one? all theyer good for is jumping out of airplanes. why would you do that? it'll land soon enough.

  3. if your talking about the plane itself having a parachute.. there is one.  Cirrus has an emergency chute that can be opened in flight and lower the entire plane safely to the ground.  personaly i have always thought it is a bit more dangerous to deploy a parachute while going 150 Kias than it would be to just dead stick the thing somewhere.. it seems that you would have a 50/50 chance of the chute ripping the plane in half

  4. I can think of several reasons:

    1. Parachutes require training. You can't just strap it on and jump out. You would lose way more than you would save.

    2. Parachutes would not fit everyone. Kids would not have chutes that would work for them, nor very large adults.

    3. Most parachutes used for escape from an aircraft (as opposed to troop landings) are accompanied by an ejection seat. Without an ejection seat, most people would not get out of the aircraft. Most of those that did would hit something on the way out, killing them instantly.

    4. Adding to the confusion during an emergency, people would have to strap on the chutes. If they were not sitting on them (they are quite uncomfortable after a long flight), they would never get them on in time. Even if they were sitting on them, they would never get them on in time.

    5. Someone would sure as anything open his chute prematurely, resulting in total chaos and preventing all others from exiting the aircraft.

    All things considered, the current policy makes more sense, although a Cirrus - type full aircraft system might work - it has saved lives on the Cirrus. It would have to be very large and very heavy, so it probably does not make sense for large commercial aircraft, but it's worth asking about....

  5. Because those who want to have them bring their own.

  6. Most people have trouble figuring out how to tie their shoes, much less how to use a parachute.  Parachute operations require advanced training in the military.

    The hull of an airplane is much more rugged than the human body.  Take your chances riding it down.

    99 percent of all aircraft accidents in time of peace occur without warning and at altitudes too low to allow parachute jumping.  The parachute is for military pilots flying into enemy gunfire.

    So there is no point in it, and grandma wouldn't use it if there were.

  7. Vast majority of passengers would not use them correctly. To use them in a jet, one would have to jump from the rear doors only- and at a very low speed and altitude in a controlled situation. Any case where you want to get out of a plane- none of those are probable, or even possible.

  8. The parachutes are not made in that size, When was the last time an airplane crashed in the USA? Accident rate for public used aircraft is to low to warrant parachutes and you need to be trained to use a parachute.

  9. They add unwanted weight and cost to airlines. They would rather use the weight to carry extra cargo or passengers than parachutes.

  10. money

  11. Assume you mean commercial passenger aircraft?

    Ever been on a commercial flight on a wide-body jet with 100% load factor?  Think back, how long did it take to deplane?  

    Now, use your imagination.

    Next, do a little research into commercial aviation - you can count on two fingers the number of fatal accidents in which the occupants had more than a couple minutes warning.

  12. Because in case of an emergency, They don't need the passengers jumping out of the plane one at a time scattered out all over the ocean.

  13. Cost too much, weigh too much. Its cheaper to pay out on a crash then to equip all the planes in a fleet. So take out the flight insurance when ever you fly.

  14. Apart from all those splendid replies, I would just add -

    "Aeroplanes are not equipped with parachutes to avoid creating chaos and havoc". It is simply not practical.

  15. For a start it would be too expensive for all of the passengers on an aircraft to be supplied with a parachute each. Also I would assume that many passengers would use them ineffectively in an emergency and could cause fatalities through panicking.

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