
Why aren't alot of Americans questioning these things?

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“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, then you win.” - Mahatma Gandhi

Please dont offer your response without researching these topics on your own (instant responses will be ignored). I'm talking about our freedoms and this is serious folks! Trust me, I didn't want to believe this either...but the truth must be told. Thank you.




  1. As usual with these things the cover up job is very successful, leaving people scratching their heads in disbelief.

    I don't think that the truth will ever come out in our life time,and I cannot think what it is all about.

    But i am coming to think that we people of western society seem to be in grave danger from our own governments, rather than outside forces. Why - I don't know but its probably got something to do with money and power!!

    (I am English, by the way, and weird things are coming to light here also. The report into Lady Diana's death, the reports of the Dr Kelly "suicide", the weirdo "Bulsara" jailing for the killing of Jill Dando.)

  2. ..."We need your help today. Right now, is facing a serious shortfall in needed funds, even with our shoestring budget. Please take a moment right now to support the ..".

    This is exactly why.  Aways consider the source. Always.  And these are not credible sources.. only the opinions of  half truth finders.  And don't we all have opinions?  Sources like these are a dime a dozen.

  3. Motive?

  4. The government is made up of honest and hard working people that would never spend an extra penny if they had to.

    How dare you accuse them of these things!!!!

  5. We are still debating the Kennedy assassination almost 45 years later.  Was there a conspiracy?  Could be.  I have heard both sides and still don't know.  Did our government officials know that 9/11 was going to happen?  They may have and did not take it seriously.  The US, with the exception of Pearl Harbor, has never been attacked from the outside before.  I am sure that arrogance had a lot to do with it.  It has also been discovered that the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. don't talk to each other.  Each of them may have had information and did not want to share because they wanted to be the first to reveal the conspiracy, etc.  I am sure that somewhere there are people that know exactly what happened, but they are unable or unwilling to say.  We will be debating the horrors of 9/11 45 years from now and may or may not have the answers.

  6. You CHOOSE to believe these conspiracy theories. I CHOOSE  to believe things like

    They offer perfectly logical and reasonable explanations for all the conspiracy theories that are peer reviewed.

  7. Because most Americans have common sense.  JFK is not alive in a Dallas hospital, Lennon was not murdered by the CIA-FBI, and Elvis is buried in his backyard.  When will enough be enough?

  8. because they are brainwashed. It takes a lot more to question something than to blindly comply. Not to offend all the americans, but a lot of them are lazy, undereducated and ignorant - really bad combination. And when you have an angry mob of people like that - watch out. They will disregard whatever evidence you place in front of them - their minds are made up and there's no changing them.

  9. Because for the vast majority of Americans it wouldn't change anything.

    Those who support our govt and its recent actions would very likely continue to do so -- and would very likely not believe the govt did anything wrong.

    Those who oppose many of the things the current regime has done would continue to oppose them -- regardless of whether that was proven or not.

    Those who trust Bush would continue to do so -- and those who already don't trust Bush wouldn't change their opinions.

    In the end -- it really wouldn't change the mind of very many people -- because it's just one more of a long list of things.

  10. a big yawnnnn! gandhi is is the 9/11 scam! where have you people gone wacko?

  11. We cannot take this seriously when you give "far left nutcase sources" as fact.

  12. I have read all those crackpot ideas and you are wrong.  You can believe what you like, but I believe facts and I understand basic science.

  13. The fact that you believe these "truths" is of course your right.  I went to those sites in the past and found them to lack many crucial elements.  There are too many to list here so I'll surmise;

    1.  Are you denying the fact that planes hit the buildings?  If you are, then there isn;'t anything left to discuss.

    2.  Are you denying that Bin Ladin claimed credit for the attack?  If not then you are linking both him and the US government into a conspiracy.

    3.  If you are agreeing that the planes hit the two towers, then when was there time to wire WTC7 with explosives?

    4.  Airplane parts WERE found in the Pentagon.

    Now, on to my standard response to any "truther" lunacy.

    Please produce just one name of someone who was in anyway involved in this plot, from a truckdriver delivering explosives to someone who laid them, or to someone giving orders.

    Please tell me, if the planes didn't really hit (and if you don't believe this, move on to the next item), where are the passengers, who is guarding them or who executed them?

    Please provide evidence of the forgery of the cell calls from flight 93, other than the obvious debunked ones from your silly web sites.

    Please explain, how out of the literally hundreds of people who would have had to be involved, that NOT ONE has had an attack of conscience, remorse, braggidocio, of possibly a death bed confession?  Human nature being what it is, are you going to tell me that no one "talked"?

    feel free to email me privately if you desire, or leave your comments here.

    go to it.

  14. We've seen them. And the FACT of the matter is this; there is NO way that the world trade centers could have been brought down by explosives without ANYONE noticing that people were placing the said explosives.

    Never mind the people that supposedly planted them. What? Did they remove their consience when they paid them to do the job?

    Sorry mate, the Bush administration simply isn't intelligent enough to pull something like this off. These tin-foil hat conspiracists give WAY too much credit for this event.

    Look at it this way, the fact that those websites are up and the people who write them are still alive to post them, is AMPLE proof that the govenment did'nt perpetrate 9/11.

    Any organization that could pull something like this off, could easily silence anyone who blew the whistle on them.

  15. Forget it. Most USA citizens have given up on anything resembling the truth in anyway. Enjoy yourself now, get 50 pounds over weight, live a lie and die ever after.

  16. when the twin towers were built they had less technology and standards for buildings. now a days, if they were built it may have been able to withstand it

  17. HI Daniel,

    I am not American, I live in Canada and there has been a lot of controversy here and blame towards the US on this topic. Some people think it's media that makes Bin Laden and those countries try to look bad. In the other sense perhaps the links you posted are also media to make the US look bad. I have had the chance to live in other countries, such as Italy and Germany. I have read books made in Germany on the documentation of what happened that day. I think it was called 9/11 it's a blue book written by a german author. It's hard to answer your question but I understand your point. I have the same worry because we are neighbors. Other countries see us both as the enemy because they see us as a more successful country. However,  there may be interest of the US govt also having interests that cause these things in other country, oil, etc. Best advice is to buy unbiased books and take it from there. Also to read a little more on Bin Laden and his troops and what their intention are concerning us. Hope this helps.

  18. It will take me awhile to read all this material. WOW!!!  A beam from the towers was delivered to my hometown for erceting a memorial nd I will go out and take measurements and do some of my own research. Thanks for the tip. You can check Psalm chapter 2 for an answer to your question.

  19. because we know problems and trouble exsist

    but it will always exsist so why bother....

    all what we do these days is turn are heads and think life is better then it is (not trying to sound emo)

    and honestly i havnt  even looked at those links er wut ever and have know clue to wut u said

    but that is the reason why i dont question things..

  20. i agree

  21. Try to remember they wont lock you up for talking crazy but they will lock you up for acting crazy.

  22. Trust me, a lot of Americans DO question those things. We question how so many people are so easily duped by crackpot conspiracy theory websites.

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