
Why aren't cell phones allowed in casino Sportsbooks?

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It makes no sense, because you can walk 5 feet outside of the sportsbook and use your phone. And I have to make calls. And sports bets. What if my mom needs to talk to me, but also the Cardinals are playing? Life is HARD! What now?




  1. This is  definately an Archaeic rule, and yes quite insane,   The one thing toknow is that I spoke with a friend of mine who works with the vegas gambling commision, and he told me a few months ago it probably was going to go bye bye,,,,

    back when they made this rule there was very Poor communication and cats could make 6 figs with their eyes closed Line shopping for a positive return on BOTH SIDES of a game!! lol

    anyway, technology has progressed so much it maks virtually no difference anymore, and the cassinos know that,

    soooo the law may be changed by oct.  well see


  2. One reason:  the casinos  do not want gamblers to recite there lines and have the public "shop" for the best line.

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