
Why aren't consumers buying better and safer cars?

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I need help writing a paper . I have to present information bout , car buyer statistics , and safety technology advancements in cars.




  1. Our wallets are empty.  So many people have bought houses with loans that they can't afford, so there isn't a chance to buy a brand new car with all the new safety advances.  Our best bet is to hold onto the car we have now, or buy a used car.  I'm talking about the majority of people, not the fortunately wealthy people.  We also are having trouble paying for gas, food and everything else that has inflated due to the weak dollar.   I'd love to buy a safer vehicle with better fuel economy, but I'll have to wait 8 years for a 2008 model to be affordable in used condition.  You'll actually see people buying less safe cars because they are going to buy smaller vehicles, motorcycles, and mopeds as a cheap way to save on gas expenses; vehicles which are more likely to result in fatal accidents.

  2. First you must understand why people really buy anything. ... they feel comfortable if their product is cheaper and dont really look at the safety issue just as long as it fits their needs for that particular time.............................

  3. Technically there aren't any truly safe vehicles on the market.  Since the environmentalists started running the country everything has gone from being made out of steel to being made out of fiberglass, plastic, and rubberized plastic, along with aluminum.  

    Unless you buy a vehicle made in the mid 80's and older then you will have a cheap aluminum and plastic machine with wheels.  

    The safest vehicles on the road right now are Toyota's they're already building Toyotas using 2009 safety standards, while Ford, GM, and Chrysler are still stuck in the early years of safety.

  4. You should have been around in the 70's when cars were really dog p**p.  We ARE buying better and safer cars right now - no matter what you'd buy it would be better than the old ones.  

    But mostly it would be price - of both new and used.  Price is usually the reason for everything finally.

  5. right now people are just buying what they can afford to buy ,luxury cars and safer cars aren't that much more expensive in a way ,but people cant afford them right now,money seems to be tight no matter where you go to these days,good luck.

  6. I can't afford one either, but also think that at least 90% of the safety factor in a car is the driver, not the vehicle. I've driven what many would consider old wrecks for over 30 years and have never even had a fender bender.

  7. They buy big cars like SUVs because they think they are safer.

    Safety technology is not a very good deal-  all the data says driver behavior is FAR More important than bells and whistles.  Don't drink.  Put down the phone, the drink, the food.  Don't let your 16 to 19 year old take friends in the car.  Don't drive when you're tired.  Drive defensively.  These are the REAL keys for safety.

  8. We can't afford them!!

  9. My thought is that people bring their egos to the show room floor more than their brains, and that's why we have so  many SUV's and big pick up trucks and sports cars and "mini" vans going so fast on the roads, urban and highway, when we had just come through a big "oil crisis" back in the '70's, and any fool could see that we hadn't solved any problems in our slower speeds and hatchback cars that couldn't be completely undone by newer gas-guzzlers and higher highway speeds.  Americans don't use their brains when buying cars.  We use our egos, sad to say.  God Bless you.  God help us.

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