
Why aren't drivers signaling when changing lanes? Is this illegal? They think its a nascar race track I think!

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Why aren't drivers signaling when changing lanes? Is this illegal? They think its a nascar race track I think!




  1. If you can see another vehicle within about 1/4 mile you should signal or if you're in a turn lane. Most people don't even look if they do signal or they pull over and signal after . If you honk at them they usually give you a finger up . . . that just means that you're #1 .

  2. Well that would mean putting the d**n cell phone down and actually paying attention to there driving.What do you expect ?Miracles?

  3. This is a habit that most people will do, the people will not give way if you signal... they will just step on the gas... I think its the education of our Sillypore, never say die attitude.. haha

  4. Depends on the laws in your location.

    In some places you will get a citation if you change lanes or make a turn without signaling.

    I think it is more a problem of laziness and/or paying attention to something other than their driving (the cell phone, food, drink, the newspaper, makeup ect. in their hands, the kids behavior in the backseat, among other distractions.)

    Whether it is illegal or not it is just plain courtesy to signal your intentions before you change lanes or make a turn.

  5. lack of brain cells, poor education, lack of common courtesy.

    It is a law but it is not enforced similar to laws like jay walking.

    But if you jay walk in Las Vegas you will get a ticket.

    do nascars have turn signals? :)

    people don't stop at STOP signs anymore how can you expect them to be bothered with a turn signal.

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