
Why aren't global warming cultists worried about the REAL global warning?

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I'm talking about the threat of thermonuclear war that is probably going to hit looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong before the earth heats up to Al Gore fearmonger threat levels.




  1. no country with nuclear weapons "needs" NATO's permission to do anything, if your gonna launch a nuke you pretty much said s***w everyone, and there is nothing wrong with nuclear power, it produces virtually no waste and does not pollute, thats a good thing

  2. I thought that was supposed to cause a nuclear winter, as long as the counties involved are afraid of mutual destruction we were safe but now with some of the governments close to having nuclear arms that don't possess sanity and don't care what happens to there people we could be in trouble. Also what might be more dangerous is groups without counties but the overreaction will cause much more damage than the bomb and lead to broken economies and mass panic.

  3. Former CBS News correspondent Bernie Goldberg says the liberal mainstream media is largely ignoring the voices of scientists and academics who are skeptical of the notion that global warming is caused by human activity.

  4. Nobody is allowed to use their nuclear weapons without the NATO's permission

    Dude, I don't support nuclear war or nuclear power. What's with all the thumbs down?

    You want me to agree with you? Ok you're right! Humanity is probably going to kill ourselves before the sun hits us. Jeez.

  5. "Nobody is allowed to use their nuclear weapons without the NATO's permission."

    I don't think anyones worried about the the people who ask for permission.

  6. im sure they are.  but we need to start working on the environment now, so that its not as big of a threat in the future.  cause trust me, it will be.

    also, theres nothing wrong with nuclear power, but with the people in control of the power.  like iraq, iran, terrorists, etc...

  7. The thermonuclear war won't be anywhere near as bad as the propaganda suggests.  As you know global warming and Ice Ages are natural cycles controlled by the sun's fluctuating output.  Fantasist's are being led to squawk like Chicken Little at the behest of our Taxmongers.  Wait till your gas hits $10 a gallon $8 of that tax as it is here!  The real reason we haven't had WW3 yet is that MAD is total BS, and we have a whole lot less land area than Russia/Asia, there will be winners and losers and as the Japanese experiment proved; cities can be rebuilt and the after effects are in fact much less than originally thought.  If anything the world's population is way overdue for a cull one way or another anyway.  The cultists have found a new religion that makes them feel good about themselves and gives them 'useful' things to do; Al Gore, well he's got a plane to catch!

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