
Why aren't hockey players in LA famous?

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In canada they are.




  1. LA has enough famous people (i.e. movie stars), so we don't look at athletes as famous, unless they are superstars.  Aside from Kobe the average person in LA couldn't name any Lakers. I doubt most people would know any Dodgers, unless they were a fan of the team. Gretzky is famous, and to a certain extent, so is Luc.  An average Kings fan would know most of the good players if they saw them, just like any of the other local teams fans. To the fans that follow the team, they are famous.

  2.   They are famous but only to the diehard hockey fans. Part of the thing too is hockey players usually aren't as flashy as NBA, MLB OR NFL stars.. Most do not drive Bentlys or run around with possies. Scott Neidermeyer drives a Prius to the Honda Center and picks up brother Rob on the way to carpool. Also I would say the media coverage has a lot to do with it. The King and Ducks are usually buried in the middle of the sportspages and get little tv coverage other than the games themselves.  Last year the Ducks and Kings playing in London got no local attention and crybaby Kobe demanding a trade was headline news.  So there you have it.  

  3. there isnt any good players in la

  4. I would disagree. Luc Robatille was avery popular player. The Crowd would always chat LUuuuuuuuuuuuuuc, every time he touched the puck, scored, assist etc... Rob Blake is very popular, as a matter of fact, both Luc & Blake were brought back after being traded because of there popularity here in L.A

    Realistically, when your losing, and constantly missing the Playoffs, along with ridiculously rebuilding( L.A 2nd largest market) makes it very tough.

  5. The LA Kings aren't really in a winning streak. If you noticed that the Anaheim Angels have won the Stanley cup recently they are more favorable as well as more famous. If you also notice LA isn't really a winter wonderland for a winter sport. So it's not the most beloved sport in the area. The hispanic demographic is very high as well so its another factor they aren't familair with the sport. Why bother caring about a sport that isn't famous in America. Like baseball and football. Soccer is enough. So who cares about an LA hockey team who hasn't won and it's not the biggest sport in town? I am not making fun of them i am just stating the truth. I am a huge King's Fan. I just have to be real. And a real fan will love them through many highs and lows. It's just been a long low....  

  6. They are famous to a hockey fan.

  7. cuz la stinks if they win more games they will love them but if they keep losing whats to like about  them

  8. Hockey players aren't famous in general, not to mention there are movie stars in LA that get all the attention.

  9. Because there surrounded by the Lakers, Angels, and Dodgers. people in America find baseball and basketball more exciting

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