
Why aren't innocent people be put in jail cells instead of guilty people?

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This is the way God wanted it actually, right? Adam and Eve were imprisoned in a beautiful white-collar type jail called "The Garden of Eden" where they had everything they wanted.

When Adam and Eve sinned and when Cain killed Able, he was released from the white-collar jail and forced to live in the open desert, right?

So why can't we have a jail for all innocent people and those who commit a crime live in anarchy outside the confines of the jail?




  1. we are actually guilty until proven innocent . go to a jail and see how many have been in there 6-8 moths still awaiting a trial . and haven't been charged , you have to prove you are innocent before you get out . if innocent till proven guilty they could stay home till court .  

  2. there are way more innocents than criminals its easier to confine the criminals

  3. Because in this country (USA) you are innocent until proven guilty.  So going by that logic everyone is presumed innocent who is in jail awaiting trial.  

  4. because people who commit crimes don't deserve to be with the rest of the world, they deserve to be separated from all of us.  

  5. Garden of Eden was not a jail, and real jail is like the desert.  You are confused about the definition of freedom.  Freedom is not having a big space to walk around in.  Contrary to popular belief, in prison there is a lot of space to walk around in, the yard, ect...losing freedom encompasses a lot more.

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