
Why aren't leaders talking about U.S. Population Growth..?

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Lou Dobbs addressed this issue -and what it poses for the environment- a couple nights ago on his program..does it have to be already 'too late' to address, like global warming..?




  1. Wouldn't it be politically incorect to p off the Mexicans?

  2. They really are. Go to the sight of www.NO MORE HOXES.COM

    and check it out and you will see what is going on in our world to get the population down.  Kissingger was one that was pushing this

    years ago.  They use flu vaccines, and meds, and Phama is big on this issue buy controlling the FDA.  I was listening to the committees

    asking about the money that is spent by the FDA  and how much they had from the Gov. to do research, thousands and thousands of $$ missing

    that cannot be accounted for.  The Dir. they were questionsing had only been in 2 yrs. so he did not have the answers.  

    I have been searching things that Kevin Ttrudeau wrote in his

    books about drugs.  They also are messing with our food. I have

    taken the book "The Seecret" and made it my way to live, one day

    at a time and when I consume anything I ask my "Divine Being"

    to protect me as I partake of the food that any stuff that has been

    added to hurt me that it will be made Non TOXIC"  I believe it

    can be done. In the Bible times Elijah did this and He believed.

    I have that kind of faith.  We all can have it.

    So I say "Bring it on"  God is still owner of everything and when these

    evil beings try to hurt God's creation( He will return their Karma back on them) and we ask for HIS help He will

    Hear and Answer us.

    Glodbal warming I believe is just a trend of history and going through one of its cycles.  I believe those that are to live will and those that

    planned in their charts to go, will go.

    Read Sylvia Browne's on the world and the answeres she gets from

    her spirit guide, which we all have one except those that  have chosen

    the EVIL way, they will be absorbed at the end of time back into the ENERGY of Our Creater.

    Good luck on your search for the TRUTH. It is exciting.

    Sincerely, nancyl

  3. geez dobbs the spinner ....  not worth wasting my time here.

  4. I thought they had isn't it called abortion.

  5. The quickest and easiest approach would be to completely close the southern border and start deporting every illegal we can find and put employers of illegals in prison. Its a start and we could do this now. As far as man made global warming just a scam, nothing man can do about it.

  6. Because most of that growth comes from hispanics - and they could care less about the damage they are doing.

  7. Um, because it's not important maybe?

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