
Why aren't liberals consistent?

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If a meteorologist says global warming is man-made then liberals say he is a credible scientist but if a meteorologist doesn't believe it's man-made then he is just a weatherman. How does that work?




  1. Because the majority of these Politicians are on the bandwagon to make a TON OF MONEY.  They have invested in anything that promotes this global warming scam.  I read just the other day, the the temps have been falling, and we are headed towards a cooler earth.  The Earth tends to have its cycles.  The problem with all this hogwash is that we, the taxpayers will be worse off from all of the Politicians INTERFERING.

  2. It works like this, you discover something and who ever get affected financially by your discovery pays someone to say is a hoax. it creates disbelieve and buys you time to restructure or widen your disbelieve propaganda.

    Oil do it.

    Tabocco do it.

    Meat do it.

    Milk do it.

    McDonalds do it.

    Pharma do it

    and the list goes on.

  3.        \|||/


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    For the same reason conservates aren't consistent.  Liberals want to bankrupt us with high taxes.  Conservatives want to bankrupt us with high deficits and endless warfare.

    Democrats offer welfare

    Republicans offer warfare

    Democrats offer higher taxes

    Republicans offer deficit spending

    Libertarians offer none of the above



    ooO_(_ )_Ooo________________________________



  4.   they are you are just getting a sample from 1 source.  The same can be said for every group.  When a scientist paid for by the oil companies says there is no global warming should they be believed.  You must also consider that the variables in global warming is so random that not 1 scientist can be sure 100%.  

      Conservatives for Obama 08

  5. It's one of the Inconvenient Truths about "liberals"; pity them as they can't help it.

  6. 95% of the rekowned scientists around the world say it MAN MADE

    or at least MAN contributes to it

    of course, if it makes you MORE comfortable believing Ruh and that crowd that is led by the clergy that thinks the world is 5000 yrs old

    go ahead, be misled

    Scientists release a 21-page report strongly linking humans to climate change

    • Report scientist: Evidence of warming on the planet is unequivocal

    • Scientists predict global temperature increases of 3.2-7.1 degrees F by 2100

    • Sea levels could rise between 7 and 23 inches by the end of the century

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    (CNN) -- Global warming is here and humans are "very likely" the blame, an international group of scientists meeting in Paris, France, announced Friday.

    "The evidence for warming having happened on the planet is unequivocal," said U.S. government scientist Susan Solomon, who also is a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

    "We can see that in rising air temperatures, we can see it in changes in snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere. We can see it in global sea rise. It's unequivocal," she said. (Watch scientist Susan Solomon deliver the grim news on global warming )

    In a 21-page report for policymakers, the group of climate experts unanimously linked -- with "90 percent" certainty -- the increase of average global temperatures since the mid-20th century to the increase of manmade greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

    Fossil fuels like methane and carbon dioxide trap heat near the surface, a process known as the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon, but human activities, like the burning of fossil fuels, can pour enormous volumes of these gases into the atmosphere, raising the planet's temperature and destabilizing the climate. (Watch what happens to our planet when manmade emissions get trapped in the atmosphere )

    The report found it was "likely" -- "more likely than not" in some cases -- that manmade greenhouse gases have contributed to hotter days and nights, and more of them, more killer heat waves than before, heavier rainfall more often, major droughts in more regions, stronger and more frequent cyclones and "increased incidence" of extremely high sea levels.

    The report noted that 11 of the last 12 years have ranked among the 12 warmest years on record with the oceans absorbing more than 80 percent of the heat added to the climate system. Add in the melt-off of glaciers and sea ice and sea levels are rising.

    The IPCC predicted global temperature increases of 1.8 to 4 degrees Celsius (3.2 to 7.1 degrees Fahrenheit) by 2100 and sea levels to rise between 7 and 23 inches (18 and 58 centimeters) by the end of the century. (Watch how rising sea levels could affect San Francisco )

    "An additional 3.9-7.8 inches (10-20 centimeters) are possible if recent, surprising melting of polar ice sheets continues," the report stated.

    The group will meet again in April to discuss the socioeconomic impact of climate change.

    Defining 'likely'

    The IPCC was established in 1988 to study climate change information. The group doesn't do independent research but instead reviews scientific literature from around the world.

    The United Nations-sanctioned group was formed by the World Meteorological Organization and U.N. Environment Program.

    The group's goal is to produce "a balanced reporting of existing viewpoints" on the causes of global warming, according to its Web site.

    The panel's reports are influential references for policymakers, scientists and other climate change experts.

    Friday's release is the beginning of the panel's first major report since 2001. The rest of the report is due out later this year.

    The 2001 report found that the 1990s were "very likely" the warmest decade on record. It also said that most of the observed warming over the last 50 years was "likely due to increases in greenhouse gas concentrations due to human activities."

    The authors defined "likely" as between 66 percent to 90 percent probable, and "very likely" as a 90 to 99 percent.

    Renewed concern in U.S.

    Friday's report comes amid renewed debate in the United States. (Full story)

    In his State of the Union address, President Bush called for the use of more environmentally friendly technologies to "confront the serious challenge of global climate change."

    It was the first time he has discussed the issue in a State of the Union address.

    The White House has said Bush's proposals would stop the growth of carbon dioxide emissions from cars, light trucks and sport utility vehicles within 10 years.

    Leaders in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives and Senate held hearings on climate change this week. (Full story)

    CNN's Peggy Mihelich and David E. Williams contributed to this report.


    the Union of Concerned scientists say

    The United States has an impressi

  7. Global Warming activists are not consistent in any case that I have seen. They only accept that which supports their position and attempt to discredit all dissension. This does not indicate a scientific mentality, but rather a cult following. Science is about discovery and examining all positions while maintaining a consistent belief in continued investigation. Most people I know do not dispute global warming is happening, they just question whether it is man-made and if so what can be done about which will not destroy western economy as a whole. Die-hard global warming fanatics running around demanding that all discussion is finished because of a so-called scientific consensus are the new "Flat Earthers" and Galileo wouldn't have stood a chance against these guys.

    A few Inconsistencies I have observed.

    Any scientist disagreeing is a shill for big oil and should not be taken seriously

    Any person who disagrees with the findings on global warming is anti-environment

    We must support the Kyoto Treaty because the whole world needs to act to stop global warming immediately, even though the treaty exempted the largest current global polluter (China)

    Al Gore is a friend of the environment

    And the list goes on.

  8. Al Gore says theirs a man-bear-pig and the democratic base says their isn't.



  9. because its hard to keep lies consistent..thats why

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