
Why aren't male politicians criticized for the time spent away from their families, the way Palin has been?

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Why aren't male politicians criticized for the time spent away from their families, the way Palin has been?




  1. I agree; it's a double standard, sexism, and it's pathetic.

  2. Because there is still a sterotype.  There is still judgement on women that is different then men.

    Palin isn't running for VP in order to be away from her kids... she is running so that she can make the world better for her kids.  From the sounds (and looks) of it, her husband is perfectly capable of being a good father.  Also the grandparents are around and capable of helping.

    This is no different than a mother who has to work two jobs to and/or is going back to school to make their lives better in the future.  You don't hear anybody talking badly about moms going back to school and forfeiting time with family.

  3. There are double standards.  It is clearly obvious.  Not to mention people are jumping on the Obama bad wagon just so we can have our first black president.  They (this is for you Sgt Belloti and those like you) don't know what goes on in her house, you don't know that her family is neglected.  You think Obama neglects his family?  Everybody can be accused of neglecting their family at some time, do you answer the phone everytime your mom calls?  But even as a govenor she is expected to spend more time with her family than a male govenor.  But if she spends too much time with them she would have her compentency as govenor questioned.  Women have a hard time doing the balancing act.  It has to be perfect or people freak out and accuse women of being a mad mother or a bad employee/worker.  Men sure couldn't do what women have to do.  I guess there are maybe a few out there that do, but situations came into play that forces them to be that way.  Men are not held to the same standards as women.  Very rarely are men "bring home the bacon" all by themselves.  Women get everyone up, fed, get dressed, gets everyone ready for school or daycare (making sure homework and or diapers & bottles are put in the right bag), drops them off at either or possibly both locations, goes to work, works all day, picks the kids and groceries up on the way home, gets home cooks dinner while helping with kids homework, feeds everyone, cleans the kitchen, gets kids ready for bed and finally gets to collapse a minute if they are lucky.  Here is a guy's day, he gets up, eats(leaving dishes out), gets dressed, goes to work, comes home, eats (again leaving dishes), sits around until bedtime, then wants to get frisky in bed (clueless as to why his wife isn't) goes to sleep.    Bottom line is guy's are slowly evolving until they do women will have to carry most of the burden.  We don't need to bash other women for their decisions (unless they are criminal or something like that) we have no right to judge what anyone else does, you wouldn't want the world looking at you and judging every decision you every made would you?

  4. gee golly, don't you know that men can do whatever they want and women belong in the house? it's not like the times changed of anything. (note the sarcasm)

  5. I don't know, but that's a great question...kind of a double standard isn't it? I suppose that people still have a problem seeing women in a position of governmental power. It's sad really.  

  6. Maybe because she has neglected her family.

  7. I think it’s interesting actually. We’ve never HAD to deal with a woman being a potential candidate before now. So you can’t compare much because there’s nothing to compare to. However, is it a double standard? Possibly. But I think as a woman, it’s awesome that she’s doing this. But as a woman, I wonder HOW she can do all of this. As a mother, I wonder HOW she can manage to juggle both being VP to the UNITED STATES (not some small town) and be a mother to 5 children and 1 baby grandchild? (I don’t believe her 17 yr old will go from child to adult overnight and she’ll be leaning on the family for quite a bit of support)

    I’m not being political, I’m being realistic. I have ONE child. I struggle balancing everything. When my stepdaughter is here, I have two kids. I struggle even more trying to juggle everything. She has FIVE children! One of them is a baby, a newborn, with Downs.

    My personal MATERNAL opinion is that I don’t see how she can do this. If she can, someone is going to suffer. Whether it be her children and family or the country. But someone is getting the short end of the stick and I kind of have to just wonder about all of that.

    Of course that’s not my ONLY stance on things, but it’s a piece of the puzzle.

    If this woman plays the “hockey Mom” card over and over, I think she’s going to p**s off a lot of working Mom’s (like me) because she simply cannot relate. (MY opinion and ONLY my opinion)

    ** ADD **

    FYI, I’m far from being on the Obama bandwagon. And another FYI, there are TWO moments of history on BOTH sides of politics here. A possible black President and a possible woman Vice-President. So I think THAT argument is a load of c**p. Because history is being made regardless from this point on. It has already been noted. I think it's awesome regardless of what political party I'm in favor of.

  8. Its all men not just politicians.

    in this category, women here get criticized for working and adding to the family income or living her dream, and they get bashed for being a "part time mother".....well aren't working fathers also "part time fathers?

  9. Men are held to completely different standards when it comes to parenting and family. The ingrained belief that women are the nurturers and men the hunter and gatherers really hasn't changed that much. Women are held to much higher standards in terms of family than men are. If a man were to call in to work cuz his child was ill, he would generally be seen as lying, and on the other hand, if a woman went to work with a sick child at home with dad, she would be seen as bad, selfish mom.

    Sexism.. alive and well in the 21st century.

  10. Because traditionally women are the primary caregivers. It is more acceptable for a man to work away than a woman. Just how things are in some cultures/places.  

  11. That is the question of the hour I suppose!  It's because in traditional roles women are the caregivers, not the bread winners.  But that all has changed and I actually very impressed with Mrs. Palin's political stance.  I wish her the best.

    I also wonder this:  Why are they ripping her for inexperience when Obama has very little experience and is relatively young himself?  Another point, Obama has only held a legislative position while Palin has held an executive position as Governor and Obama is running for President??  He has about as much as political experience as she does yet they are ripping on her for not enough experience.....I find that ironic! :)

  12. I realize that traditional roles for men and women have gone the way of the radio in this country, but people still cling to those ways.  Men traditionally are expected to be fathers, but their primary role as the father is to provide the necessities of life, meaning bring home the bacon.  Traditionally women have become mothers with the expectancy that they will take care of the children and raise them properly.  Since Sarah Palin's daughter is pregnant and she has a child with disabilities, she is being criticized because it seems she is neglecting her duties as a mother.  

    That said, I don't think it's right to criticize too harshly about the daughter's pregnancy.  Even people who are highly religious and teach their children properly still sometimes end up with things like teen pregnancies and other similar problems.  Perhaps Palin has done the best she knew how.  

    In my own opinion, though, I do not think that women belong in politics.  The political field is unbecoming of a woman's intellect and poise.  I believe women are too good for it.  I will still probably vote Republican because I really despise Obama, but I'm not happy about the choice of having a woman VP, especially one with children still at home.  If he had to choose a woman, I wished it had been somebody whose children are already grown.

    ADD:  I despise those who keep saying that women are more than housewives now.  What is so wrong with being a housewife and raising a future generation?  Just because I choose to devote my time to raising my children and keeping my house beautiful and supporting my husband doesn't make me less intelligent or less capable.  I think, in fact, that motherhood is the highest role a woman can attain.  It certainly is a lot harder than going off to work every day, I did that too before I had children.  While I would never return to the workforce unless I had to, I recognize that working wasn't nearly as difficult as being a mom 24-7 and sometimes trading my husband places doesn't sound so bad.  But I get to be there every minute watching my kids grow up, and he doesn't, and I love it.  Don't knock what you don't understand.

  13. Because small children need their mother's! It is Nature. Male politicians are not criticized because they do not bear children. Any infant needs it's mom. Those first years are very crucial in their development. Babies need their mothers. I question Sarah Palin's judgment. She has signed up for a long road.  

  14. Because this country is full of double standards. Remember when Hillary Clinton was still in the race? So much talk went on about what she was wearing and he husband's presidency and not so much discussion was happening about the issues and her beliefs.

    This country is full of double standards and as much as we like to think of ourselves as "progressive" we still have a ways to go. Women are underrepresented in our government, criticized on their decision to stay at home or go to work, and are still largely viewed as caretakers who need to be there for there families (for the record I think men need to be there for their families as well).  And it's still sad that women generally don't make as much money as men do in the same professions...

    Honestly I think we have a ways to go. I'm not a McCain fan, or on Obama fan either, but I think each party pair for president and vice-president should be judged based on their merit--what they plan on doing for the country, how they are going to help the country succeed, better the education system, etc. It doesn't really matter to me if they are black, white, hispanic, female, male, Muslim or Catholic...what matters to me is that they can do the job that we will be entrusting them with. It's sad that that will probably never be a reality.  

  15. I don't know.

    Regardless of my political feelings, I find it inspirational to see her at governor's conferences with her baby in a snuggly.

    To me, that is the ideal of modern motherhood-- being able to do a job you love and still be there for your kids.

  16. It is a double standard but she obviously needs to spend more time with her kids.  She has young children a daughter in nude photos and pregnant.  Forcing the child to marry a boy isn't the answer because his MySpace clearly says he don't want kids.  Historically men have been the bread winners and women have stayed home to care for their children.  I believe this history is what has caused the double standard.  Yes, I think the double standard is wrong but so is Palin for attempting to force a standard that she cant enforce in her own home.  Just my opinion though.  

  17. Ha because the world still has old values that the woman stays at home and rears the children while the man is the head and does nothing but work and we are the unpaid help!  Ha but in todays society you have females who are the breadwinners in a family and they still hold down the home front!  now the fathers are playing a much bigger part in helping with the families!  And it is great my husband and i both work his job allows him a lot of time with our son which in my opinion is healthy and great for our son!  People need to get out of old world thinking because the world is changing women are more than housewives these days!!

  18. I think its just ingrained in some peoples minds that its normal for the dad to be away working and "bringing home the bacon" and that its the mom who mainly raises the kids and takes care of the house, ect.  It aggravates the h**l out of me though. I happen to be a stay at home mom BUT it makes me very proud to show my daughter that she can not only be a mommy, she can be a career woman or even the president for that matter!

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