
Why aren't my phones working?

by  |  earlier

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i don't know they haven't been working all day, there was just a thunder storm and all but before then it wasm't working either.what do i do?everytime i pick it up it sounds like someone is on the phone but i pressed 5 and it didnt make the noise at all.

i tried all phones in house.they all dont work.

please help i need someone to call me!




  1. Could be a phone line down.  Also, if you have Voip, if your internet went down for a bit, you may have to reset your modem so that it can reset your Voip box.  Voip uses the internet to get you phone access, no internet, no phone.

    So, if land line with local phone carrier (phones are plugged into a wall jack) - use cell or go to a neighbor that might have phone service and call the phone company.

    If Voip, restart you internet services by unplugging the cables formt he back of the modems, and plugging them back in.  Again, you can call you carrier to assistance from either a cell phone or a neighbor's phone.

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