
Why aren't my running times getting better?

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Im 14 years old turning 15 in October. I decided to start running cross country but I'm going to be a sophomore so most of the kids I know are already in shape/good enough. I have been going to captain's practices for about a month now where we run from 1.5 - 3 miles. Since the beginning of the summer I haven't seen a difference in my running times. My mile time is around 9 or 10 and that's when I'm trying. (Not killing myself but trying pretty hard) Since I have noticed this, I have gotten motivated to do more. So for the past 3 days I have been using the elliptical. I wake up, and run on it for 20 minutes, then about an hour later I do the same thing. I burn about 300 calories each time so it is somewhat of a hard workout. I'm also limiting myself to 1700 calories per day so I can lose some weight. I'm a little less than 165 pounds and I'm hoping that by losing weight, I'll be able to run faster. Is there anything I can do more or maybe even less to improve my times? I have about another month before the season really starts so I have a pretty good amount of time to improve. Sorry this is so long and thanks in advance. Im a male, 5 foot 7, 165 pounds and I only have a small gut, I don't look overweight though.




  1. I would continue to eat healthy, but not limit your calories.  You need to replenish protein after your workouts.  To increase your speed, try running distances in faster times.  Try a mile at 9 minutes, walk half a mile, then try to get it in 9 minutes again.  It seems to me that you need to increase your running speed and push yourself.  Your mile time seems a little slow, but if you work hard you can improve.

  2. ur mile time is wht?? a 9 or 10 min??

    if so that sucks so bad for HS

    thats bad even for 5th grade

  3. running cross country?, dont worry about it no one cares about cross country in hs. join the football team

  4. Add distance.  The endurance will help you out.

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