
Why aren't people crucifying Daniel Kerr like Barry Hall?

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People really got into Barry Hall for using his fist to take out some one who was tagging him inappropriately. Daniel Kerr on the other hand thought he was a bull in a bullring and took a running headbutt at West. Isn't this act more disgusting and brings the game into disrepute than a provoked punch to the jaw, and yes WCE fans if you know about King Hits, Barry actually didn't do that, a King Hit is from behind?

At least Barry used his fists like a man.




  1. West Coast are whinges, Swan supporters know AFL isnt ballet and theres gonna be a biff here and there, so no use whining bout it..

    Yes I totally agree with you I just didn bring it up cos WC will just bag ya for it.. But you make a very great point!

    EDIT - OMG oz rulz... do you even read what you write?

    "who tapped him with a soft love-tap head-butt."

  2. I think both players copped the same close attention and got thoroughly frustrated and lashed out - One with a king hit and the other with a king head butt and I would say both just snapped and couldn't take any more and in Kerr's case I guess it must be totally frustrating for him as the Eagles are not a patch on what they used to be.  I don't think either "hit" was preplanned and I hope neither one offends in this way again.  Lack of discipline from both players in these separate instances.  Go the Swanees!!!!!

  3. Basically because West Coast players are a protected species and they are sponsored by Channel 7.I almost broke down with laughter at Worsfolds quote that Kerr deserved more protection by the umpires against tagging off the ball.West Coast under his coaching have been the worst offenders in this regard for years.Selective memory perhaps or wasn't Staker  manhandling Hall 40m off the ball.West Coast and their club culture are a joke and the only thing worse in football are  their feral supporters.They are now reaping what they have sown and it would have been better for football  overall if they had been delicensed for their drug abuse.

  4. A King Hit is not only from behind. Look the word up.

  5. He deserves 4 wks minimum for his on-field behaviour - there is evidence to prove it. Very unsportsman-like!

  6. They were both no good for the game but it won't be the last time we see these things happen either.

    i guess they are not into Kerr more because it didn't look as violent as halls punch, staker was out b4 he hit the ground, footy will go on, something new will happen next week or the week after.

  7. im a swans fan and will admitt what hall did was low but i agree with you,why not bag kerr like they did hall....i guess everyone made a big deal about hall because of his reputation and bad temper..

  8. They are treating the two incidents differently because they are different.

    Hall king-hit (it does NOT have to be from behind - it was deemed a king-hit by the tribunal) Staker & knocked him unconscious. Just a cowardly act of thuggery.

    With Kerr, Scott West ran in front of him & impeded Kerr - who tapped him with a soft love-tap head-butt. West did a dive & feigned injury (nearly as good as Gary Ablett's effort against Fremantle!).

    West should be ashamed of himself. He was not injured & put on an act. What is it coming to when players try their utmost to get another suspended? West certainly did not act like a man.

    Kerr deserved a couple of weeks for such a silly act - especially when it did no harm to West.

  9. Simple Hall is a thug who is the most suspended player in the AFL Kerr is not.

    People aren't stupid they know both players track record and also know that a punch to head is a lot more aggressive than getting frustrated and charging at a player.

  10. Two entirely different circumstances.

    And if anyone can't see that they are displaying their obvious lack of football knowledge.

    I like the comments of Sami & others....if they don't like what others have posted they abuse them with insults .... very immature, I must say.

  11. because people were shocked by Barry Hall but everyone expects it from Daniel kerr, lets face it you and everyone were not surprised that it happened but I bet you were taken back by Barry's actions.

  12. The mountain goat KERR is a disgrace to the wce ,afl.its supporters and the game

    i will bag any player that's dirty and change my AVATAR as i see fit

    WCE complain about KERR was tagged

    well guess what eagle supporters

    so was HALL

  13. i dont really care about the Swans or WCE, im a Magpies supporter. Barry Hall is an idiot and Daniel Kerr is just as stupid.

  14. Respective sizes of players:

    Barry Hall: 194cm, 100kg

    Brent Staker: 196cm, 96kg

    Daniel Kerr: 178cm, 79kg

    Scott West: 178cm, 83kg

    So what's that about size differences?

  15. Kerr is typical of West Coast - Arrogant, Spineless, Whinging, Stupid little t**t of a poor excuse for a man and gets away with it only because he has the protection of the entire West Coast of Australia to hide behind.

    What he did was absolutely appaling and he should be getting just as much - if not more -  than Hall did because it was a deliberate and cowardly act as well as Dirty tactics.

    At least Hall just did it - Owned it - and copped it sweet.

    Oz Rule and Steve Wankhead - the two of you are just another example of why West Coke Whingers should just be Banned from AFL and the rest of the country.

  16. Stop whingeing and look at the size difference between the players before you start making such inane comments.

  17. Daniel Kerr's head butt was a disgrace and his track record for reports and violence on the field is very long.  I personally think he should have got 6 weeks like Barry.

    WCE players are spineless and always resort to violence when things aren't going their way

  18. barry hall KNOCKED OUT staker.

  19. How can you compare these 2 incidents.Yes Kerr should cop at least a couple.If the umpires did there job and gave him the free kicks for the continuous holding , bumps of the ball and scragging he would not lash out like he did. Also he was front on  and both players were at each other. Hally attacked a player who was not in his face and he is lucky not to have received a jail term. He attacked Staker with no provocation and from the blind side. Yeah I agree, it wasn't a king hit and I'm sure if he hit you like that you would tell the police don't charge him for hitting me , it wasn't a king hit. He really should take up boxing . He is a useless footballer to fat and to slow. Staker missed the rest of the game and the following week .  West went of and came back on 20 minutes later how is that the same . But I did like the little shuv Glass gave him into the fence . Didn't you. By the way Tony locket made Hally look like a pussie . Get over yourself

  20. Before Hall lost his head and hit Staker, he was not reported for 6 years, in that time Kerr has been out a few times plus playing up outside of Footy

  21. he should just be made to move and live in Adelaide

    that's a real punishment

  22. When Hall hit the Eagle it was obvious and given their respective sizes, dangerous and potentially fatal.

    The Kerr-West incident wasn't seen close up on TV, it seemed that Kerr had just shoved West, but details reveal a head butt.

    While Kerr probably wouldn't have hurt himself doing that - he has a head made of rock on a talented football body - it's a poor example to set for kids.

    While Gutsache a k a Oz Rulz will take issue with this, Kerr is a silly adolescent who seems to think he can get away with things because he's a clever footballer.

    I seem to remember a couple of lads called Carey and Cousins who thought the same, and neither are still playing.

    ADDITIONAL: I like the name West COKE Eagles but have you thought of amending it to the Worst Coke Evils?

  23. I always thought a "King Hit" was just a one punch knock-out. Whether it was from in front or behind or whatever.  And by the way,  I don't support either team.  But it bugs the h**l out of me when people abuse other people purely coz they have a difference of opinion.  Just give it a low rating and get over it.

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