
Why aren't people doing anything about Global Warming ?

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i need to know beacuse its not fair to the polar bears and the ppl of the future !!!!!!!!!!




  1. Because everyone only cares for themselves and money, not a thing else, that's so sad that we are destroying 'Mother Earth', she help's mine us and we repay her with horiffic death!!

    Here's a star for asking a really good question my friend!!

  2. We are, aren't you?

  3. i like the tan i'm getting

  4. well i believe that if the world does end one day that God will save us before it happens because he willl come back to earth to decide where yougo and then i believe that he will come before that happens

  5. Maybe cuz no one cares.

  6. I think your right people love using things that affect our ozone layer and they just dont get it.

    I think that people dont care if we are slowly dieing.

  7. because its bull.... 40 years ago they said the world would freeze, we have other things to worry about like to make our world safe not the climate change! democrats are ridiculous... that's all they care about ..selfish

  8. some people are trying.yet others dont care much of it which i think is wack.

  9. Global Warming is directly related to the suns temperature and solar flares. As the earth temperature rises, the carbon gas increases because of the evaporation / cloud cover that keeps the gas in the atmosphere. Mankind's carbon emissions have little to do with Global Warming, the suns heat correlates with the rise in earths temperature, mans carbon output does not correlate.

    Many people are working to stop pollution and industry infringing on natural areas. I live in an area where ppl are fighting big corporations: oil and fish farms, and we are getting results...

  10. correction. The world is trying to stop global warming.

    U.S.A on the other hand cares more for its economy than the planet.

  11. I know they should care polar bears are soon going to drown the north pole is melting........ I care about the environtment too.

  12. the polar bears aren't the only things that will be affected

    the issues are far greater than that

    the reason people don't do anything is because of laziness and ignorance, something we are all guilty of (especially Americans, might I add)

  13. out of date subject

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