
Why aren't people using Hybrid Cars?

by Guest63587  |  earlier

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You know the cars that don’t run on petrol.

I mean, all the wars in modern history started because of oil problems. And we're running out of oil right now, right?

I'm not here to talk about wars; I'm here to talk about cars

Why not use a Hybrid car instead?

I know it only runs at, about, 40 - 60 km/h. But still, that's a very reasonable speed and not to mention decreasing road accidents.

I say, all car developer should change their cars into a Hybrid one. A Honda Hybrid or a Volvo Hybrid, of course people would buy it. If all the car developers change their cars by now, the whole world would be a better place. No oil problems, less accident, less pollution. Am I right?

And I'm not talking about just one company making the cars, but all of the company in this world. Wouldn't that be better?

If we do this there'll be enough clean oil for the factory to use.

My question:

1. Why aren't people using Hybrid car?

2. What do u think of my reason to use Hybrid car?




  1. I think that you should research the subject a bit.  Hybrid cars can move just as fast and accelerate just as quickly as any other.  One of the biggest problems with hybrids is that most of the advertising has been heavily slanted.  I drive an eight year old Mitisubishi Galant with a 2 litre 133 hp petrol engine and get approximately 13km per litre of 95 octane, that is, about 32 statute miles per US customary gallon, in urban driving.

    Toyota claim and I quote "EPA-estimated combined city/highway 55 miles-per-gallon".  There are many people who dispute this figure it seems.

    So the Prius looks much better.  But, in ten years you will have to replace the battery (estimates vary but USD3000 seems to be a common figure so it's worth about a 1000 gal of fuel at current US prices), that should come under the heading of fuel economy not maintenance costs.  Also modern diesel cars have a performance to equal my Galant and even better fuel economy.

    For instance the little Citroen C1/Toyota Aygo gets 59 miles per US gallon (US gal. about 3.9 litre, UK gal. about 4.5).  In the MSN article the top ten most fuel efficient cars are all within 10% of the Prius fuel efficiency and none of them have a battery that needs replacing and recycling.

    The simplest way to reduce fuel use is to walk, cycle, take the bus or simply don't go to work one day a week, that cuts your commuting fuel use by twenty percent.

    I'm not knocking the idea of hybrids, they are a valuable addition to the variety of vehicles available but the hype gives people unwarranted hope that they will be doing substantial good for the environment in comparison with other non-hybrid alternatives

  2. There are not any economical reason to purchase a hybrid. If you buy a hybrid the money that you are paying is towards the technology. Because if you are looking for better gas mileage the diesel Jetta can get better mileage, and if you are looking at reducing your carbon footprint the hybrid currently is over double of most cars because the battery requires transport from Canada to Europe to China to Japan to the US  before they can put it into the car.

  3. Every single mile you drive in a "hybrid" is a result of burning gasoline and thus contributing to Global Warming, despite what you greenies want to believe.

  4. First of all, study your history. I can't think of a war that was started over oil. Hybrid cars are not the hype everyone says they are. It costs a lot of resource to produce the batteries and they will be a huge problem when we get rid of them. They aren't as efficient as manufacturers claim. A GM hybrid SUV gets one more mpg than the conventional SUV and they measure their mpg totally different. Remember, you have to charge the batteries and that comes from burning gasoline. plus, once you get on the highway, the electric motor shuts off and you are back on gasoline.

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