
Why aren't phishing sites illegal?

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Isn't there some sort of copyright infringement or something? Sites such as rnyspace (notice the "rn" instead of an "m") are really stupid and I am sick of seeing similiar sites. Why don't these sites ever get removed?




  1. they are illegal

  2. They are illegal but the internet is a pretty hard place to police. It also depends on what country the server is in as well I think as to how much can actually be done.

  3. It is illegal, at least in some places, and sometimes phishers are taken down on fraud and other charges. (Domain typo stealing, such as that rnymspace, that doesn't steal personal information from you, is annoying but not illegal far as I know.)

    The problem is of jurisdiction, and the ease of setting up shop anonymously on the internet. Many of the phishers scattered throughout the world, in eastern europe and asia and all over the place.

    Not too much an individual can do other than always type in links correctly and not click on random links in emails, and to watch for warnings from their web browser.

  4. They Are...  its just one of those problems in the computer world that they don't really bother with

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