
Why aren't solar panels being advertised or promoted?

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Why aren't solar panels being advertised or promoted?




  1. It is expensive, but with new technology the prices should be coming down.  It is up to grass roots to promote solar panels, and really make them main stream.  I see many buildings in Florida with "wasted" roof space for solar panels.  I think that big businesses whose power bills soar into the thousands a month, should be required to install them to off set their power usage over 10 years it would pay for the installation of the panels with the reduced power bills that they would have.  They are being short sighted to say that it is to expensive.

  2. The energy companies (coal and oil) are pressuring and paying the government to keep it mostly hidden and out of reach. These companies would lose billions of dollars in profit if solar energy were to become widespread.

    Same thing with electric cars

  3. They are very expensive and not practical in some places where they could be covered by snow or where its dark for most of the day in the winter.

  4. They still are not cost effective yet.

  5. They are, but they are not very practical for most people.

  6. They are not cost effective yet. More research needs to go into it to bring down the price and increase efficiency.

  7. No problem.

    I lite my cigarets by a lupe even beneath winter sun.

  8. A 100 watt solar panel now costs as little as 200.00 try

    The most expensive part of a solar system anymore is the batteries as you will need quite a few and the number you will need must be calculated carefully with regards to power consumption by your usage and " generation "  by the panels .

  9. The cost to buy them is too great for an average home buyer and that is what I think that are changing peoples minds. But solar panels are becoming more popular. Most people are starting to see how efficient they are becoming and how the cost for solar panels is slowly decreasing. Plus, I would have to agree with others, the oil company is trying to keep alternative energy resources hidden to the public. So I guess you could say that its all in the hands of the people now. So if YOU want to make it happen. Then MAKE IT HAPPEN!

  10. They are still rather expensive and as such only cost effective over 20+ years, longer than most people are willing to wait for a return on their investment.

  11. The simpley don't work, if they did and every house could be it's own power plant, do you think that they would not rush out to make these things?  but they don't work.

  12. They are promoted, Some, however they aren't popular Enough to warrant it.  Many areas aren't well known for sunshine, and sadly, people seem to think you need nonstop sunlight for it to work.  Sad.

    There is also the cost issue, while it saves money over time, it is/can be, very expensive to have said panels installed, at least correctly installed.

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