
Why aren't teenage boys who teenage impregnate girls ever kicked out of home?

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You know - if a 15 or 16 year old girl falls pregnant to her boyfriend, it is likely she will be kicked out of home. The 15 or 16 year old boyfriend did exactly the same thing she did - had unsafe s*x. Why isn't he kicked out (they rarely are as far as I know).

This isn't an attack on anyone - just a mature discussion about an aspect of our society.




  1. you can't be kicked out until your 18 unless you are put into foster care or sent to live with a relative.......

  2. i don;t think its the same efect-sometimes they don't take responsibility for it so they don;t get in trouble.

  3. That is horrible if you were young and become pregnant and your family kicked you out! If that were to happen, the person made a mistake, and needs support from family, not to be kicked out on the streets. And to answer your question, yes it isn't fair. I believe it is because, i don't know why but maybe it doesn't seem as bad, because they don't actually psychically have birth to the child, maybe. Or because their parents forgive them and overcome their childs mistakes. There is different points of view for different parents, i suppose

    Godo luck!

  4. The man can deny it. When a girl is prego, it is a very visible thing.

  5. lmao. true!

    i don't get it

    maybe it's cause he isn't giving birth?




  7. Some boys do get kicked out- but you are right, it's rare that this happens. As for the girls, one of the reasons they often get shown the door is because their parents don't want the responsibility of dealing with a premature grandchild- a grandchild they neither wanted nor are prepared to support. Or, some girls end up on the street because their parents want to teach them some hard, often painful lessons about personal responsibility- my own mother was in that category when one of my sisters got pregnant as a teen. She was thrown out of the house then, and she's still paying for her mistake, nearly 20 years after the fact. Was my mother right to do what she did? I have to say yes, because it forced my sister to grow up and start taking some real responsibility for herself and her kids. She actually has a semi-normal life now, though she still has to work two jobs just to support herself and her kids. Most girls who get pregnant as teens are lucky to find ANY kind of job- largely because here in the US, employers don't hire pregnant teen girls with no education to do much of anything, and they never have. It's different in Britain or the rest of the UK, because you have the government there which runs your health care and social services systems,and they provide places for kids who get pregnant to live in, and give them money and other supports- all at taxpayer expense, might I add. The US has no such system- and we likely never will, simply because it would mean huge tax burdens on all of us.

    As for why more boys don't get kicked out of the house- it's called a double standard of behavior expectations and rules, and it's something which has basically been in place in one form or another since the dawn of time. Boys are expected to " sow their wild oats" as it were, as they mature, where as girls and women were expected to be chaste and virgins until they married- and the cultural norms haven't changed all that much since the Victorian age in Britain. Girls are still expected to be the ones who control themselves until marriage- and part of that includes controlling their sexuality and sexual urges until it's appropriate to express them. When a girl isn't able to do this, or doesn't want to do this, and gets pregnant out of wedlock as a result, then her character is still seen as flawed or somehow imperfect, even in this age. Getting pregnant as a teen indicates a lack of self control and self discipline, not to mention self respect- and no guy in his right mind generally wants to marry a woman who doesn't have these things. Such women tend to make poor mothers and bad mates- there is no doubt of that. Just take a look at the divorce statistics in the US sometime for proof of this. We Americans are currently in a time when at least half, if not two thirds, of all marriages end in divorce- often within a year or two of the wedding date.

    Another facet of this has to do with the pressures girls face today from the media and from popular culture, including pressure from the internet. Girls are given messages about s*x and sexual behavior from the time they take their first breath these days- and the presence of celebrities like Jaime Lynn Spears only adds to the problem. She got pregnant at 16, and is a mom at 17. She can't support herself, not really- but because she's a celebrity, that makes what she did acceptable in the minds of a lot of today's teen girls. Many of them, like the girls at the high school in Massachusetts, actually believe that someone like Spears is a good person to emulate- hence the pregnancy pact they made among themselves. These girls all agreed that they would get pregnant, just because they wanted to be like Jaime Lynn, who incidentally should have been FIRED by Nickelodeon for getting pregnant in the first place. What does this say about the influence of the media and popular culture on behavior?? Nothing good, believe me. Who's going to support these girls in Massachusetts after their babies are born? The US taxpayers, that's who. Who's going to be forced to pay to educate these kids' kids, who never should have been conceived in the first place, and to pay for their mothers' remedial education, since none of these girls are going to be able to finish school or get a diploma? You guessed it- it'll be old Uncle Sam.It's in part because of situations like this one, in fact, that I actually support abortion rights- because abortion helps prevent situations like this. It keeps girls in school where they belong, and not out on the street or standing in line at the welfare office because they can't get jobs. I also strongly support improving s*x education in schools, because it never ceases to amaze me how ignorant a lot of teen girls are about how their bodies work, and just how much misinformation and half truths are circulating among today's teens about s*x, reproduction, and relationships. Preaching abstinence DOESN'T WORK with teens- it only makes s*x that much more attrac

  8. Kicking your 15 year old child out of the home is VERY illegal.

  9. People are prejudice.


  10. I wouldn't kick either child out in that situation. Children need support from their parents, I havent known anyone to be kicked out over pregnancy though I know parents might use it as a threat

  11. sexism!

    the teenage girl's pregnancy is visible, so parents might just be ashamed. That really sucks, i see it here on this site as well.

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