
Why aren't the American Media covering this?

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This is an article in the London Sunday Times about recent events in the Iraq war:

"Iraqis lead final purge of Al-Qaeda"




  1. Having lived and read press coverage in UK and US, apart from east coast, your press is very narrow and restricted mostly to US stories. TV is even worse. This is one of the reasons why most of europe finds US citizens so out of touch with world events and opinions. This is made worse by the fact that very few Americans travel outside the US. Keep looking for a spectrum of articles online. You'll get a better picture of the world.

  2. The liberals don't like to hear about military victories

  3. because we have a very liberal media over here and if they even think of admitting that we are "winning" the war over there would plumment their ratings and certain ignorant presidential canidiates would not be elected to office. Plus they don't think most american's want to know exactly how right Bush was in sending our troops over there. This would really look bad on them

  4. It's gotten a little play, but not much. I think there may be two reasons: First, it's usual to back away from standard military operations (phase III in Mao's little red book styling), so there may be some experts recommending caution about being over-optimistic. Second, the US seems to have divided itself into two camps, and neither much cares to allow his views on Iraq to be confused by the facts on the ground.

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