
Why aren't the Cardinals considered one of the top 4 most popular teams?

by Guest57305  |  earlier

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I was watching the Cards v Cubs game earlier and the commentators were talking about if the Cubs do win the World Series then they'll possibly become as popular as the Yankees or Red Sox.

I've always wondered why the Cardinals aren't considered to be in the top 4 as they've won the second most World Series behind the Yankees, they have a huge fan base and a fairly new stadium. I know it sounds like I'[m winging but why aren't the considered to be a popular team nationwide or internationally?




  1. The guy at the top is a complete   THEY WON IN 2006.   Thats 2 years ago.     Also Pujols is the best player in baseball right now.

  2. The biggest reason is that they do not get the coverage of a Boston, NY or Chicago, they are considered small market and people will always think of them that way, they are a highly successful team and deserve some respect but do not get it because of the size of their market.

  3. They don't have national drawing appeal that teams from the major markets do. Before the 1950s, the Cardinals were big in the south and west before other teams were there, and all of their games were on KMOX with a very strong signal.

  4. XIXSander, I think you better check the record book, the Cardinals won the World Series in 2006 & I say they are a very populat team

  5. It is not how many times you have won a world series but rather the location and fan base available to support the team.  The fact is that New York, Chicago, and Boston have a larger fan base to draw from when compared to St Louis.

  6. To XIX: When was the last time they got close to the World Series?  Try 2006, when they won the World Series.  There were also in the World Series in 2004. Mark McGuire the last best thing we've had?  Ever hear of Albert Pujols?  I really have to ask, do you even know anything about baseball?

    The reason the Cards aren't (as) popular anymore is actually pretty simple.  Back in the day, they were just as popular as the Yanks and Sox. In fact, before the big migration of the Giants and Dodgers, the Cards were the Western-most team in baseball. Now with teams spread all over the place, people have more choices of teams that are more locally located to where they live.

    Before televised baseball games became the norm, most people listened to the games on the radio.  KMOX, based in STL, had a VERY large broadcast range (in fact, when I lived in Virginia, I could hear STL Blues hockey games on a cold clear night). Many people from Kansas and Oklahoma, to the Southern States, Illinois, Indiana listened religiously to the broadcasts. Then came TV.  Stations like WGN and TBS nationally broadcast many of the games for the teams in the cities their broadcast from (Cubs and Braves, respectively). Large media markets, like ESPN, catered to the Yanks and Sox due to the large populations of the cities, playing off their storied history.

    Unfortunately for the Cards, they've never been a "flashy" team.  My fingers hurt now, so hopefully you've got a little bit of an idea.

  7. They just don't have the hype like the yankees or the red sox. and when was the last time they even came close to the world series. As much as i respect them and mark mcguire  was the last big thing they had

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