
Why aren't the bright saudis the ones given scholarships?

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ive lived in saudi, and the ones in the uk seem to be not so bright teenagers with more concentration on discos and girls then studying




  1. because theres a huge amount of money here in  saudi. most saudis are fairly wealthy so they can afford to pay to have their children study abroad. plus if  heard this correctly they are paid by the saudi government to go to university even if the universitys not in saudi.

  2. .....because in Saudi, if you dont have a "wasta" your nothing even you are good or bright......It is seldom they sent bright people to study outside because "wasta" policy is present....

    "wasta" means having connection with high ranking officials...

  3. lol i agree with carl :D

  4. Many of those that go to the UK, are usually from the spoiled brat type, and they like to meet in the UK.  Many of them pay for everything themselves.

    Many of them dont benefit much from studying there because some towns are really full of Saudis, so to them its like studying in Riyadh. Many dont even have to speak English, and experience the culture etc like they should.

    Thats why many perfer to send their kids to New Zealand, Australia, US, and Canada.

    They want their kids to feel the culture shock, experience different cultures etc

    Most of those that go to the US and Canada are from a different type, or category. Same thing applies to those that go to Japan, China, and Singapore.

    Im not sure if its easier to get a government scholarship to go to school in the UK since most seem  to perfer the US or Canada, or what.

    Finally, if they go to Top British Universities, and are accepted, and get good grades and pass, well then they must be bright. The not so bright ones go back to Saudi because if they dont get good grades, they will not be sponsered anymore.

  5. There is no such thing as a bright saudi... unless he gets electrocuted and glows like a bulb!

    So they just randomly give it out to people!

  6. That's true.  Only the children of friends of the royalty and government seem to get scholarships.  Saudis were famous in my city in USA for going to g*y clubs and running people over while drunk and in university the Saudi women all had non Muslim boyfriends.

    I remember one classmate got pregnant and she had an abortion and went back to Saudi.  When I came here I tried to find her just to say hi but found out she married some old guy and has 3 kids now. I wonder if he knows her past.

  7. both bright and not so bright saudis have scholarship.. but more the not so bright kind.

  8. I agree, I graduated with a 3.75 GPA and still was denied my scholarship. Some have connections, and others are just lucky. But mostly because they are boys, the upper hand and the best is always given to them.

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