
Why aren't the media all over this one?

by Guest57981  |  earlier

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Seems Biden has some skeleton's in his closet, as well. The media is so intent on crucifying Palin right now...are they doing this to avert attention away from Biden and Obama's extortion?




  1. Left wing media bias. That's why.

  2. There are two reasons: Most of the media are willing accomplices working hard to get Obama / Biden elected.  Then you've got the fair networks such as Fox who don't cover it because they're trying to take a higher road.  But you're right....I mentioned the other day that Biden is the one who has the truly corrupt, criminal family.

  3. Because liberals would rather attack a Republican woman with lies and half truths than focus any attention at all on the malfeasance within their own party.

  4. Incase you haven't noticed, the media in this country is and has been bias to the libs for a long time now.

  5. Wait until Bidens ties come out about how much money he is getting from the pro Iranian groups, He is a traitor,  Bidens 2 sons are under investigation for stealing Millions from a hedge fund.

  6. I wonder what Obama and his supporters and blacks in general think of this Biden quote concerning Obama:

    Third paragraph of the article.

  7. Oh Biden will get his!! He is liar and a political hack.

  8. aparently they think sniping at children is more likely to get Obamination elected

  9. I'm sorry, but some random right-wing blog that's been around for one year isn't exactly a credible source.

  10. All the medias biased coverage of the candidates will elect the next president because a lot of people can't see through it and believe every thing that is said.

  11. Because the media are like ants. They eat something until something better comes along. Until something newer comes along. get the analogy? Biden is no longer the new news. Palin is. They go to things that are newer and juicier

  12. They're waiting until after the election. They can only milk Biden's corruption stories until November, but if it comes out after the election, its a good story for 4 years. Its all about keeping America glued to the TV, and keeping the ad revenue coming in.  [Geraldo takes a 3 minute ad break every 5 minutes]

  13. I bet you wasn't complaining about the media when they were torturing Obama during the primaries, right? Now all of the sudden, the media is biased because the tables have turned on the the world turns...

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