
Why aren't the top level rugby players being asked to play American Football for big bucks?

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Why aren't the top level rugby players being asked to play American Football for big bucks?




  1. they r not bulked up

  2. because they are 2 good

  3. because most and the best rugby countries (ie: south africa and england) arent trators. AND BESIDES... THE WORLD DOESENT REVOLVE AROUND AMERICA... THERE ARE 6 YES 6 OTHER CONTINENTS...

  4. Asking a top level rugby player to play American football would be like asking him to put on a pink tu-tu and dance on national tv.  its an insult to his skills and abilities.  Why would they put on pads, constantly take breaks to rest inbetween plays, and rely on downs to get the ball back rather than just taking the ball from his/her opponent.  Any real athlete would play rugby.

    Football and rugby are extremely different sports and that's where everyone goes wrong in their assumptions about the game.  No rugby player will ever dive head first into another player, because he knows the opponent could easily side step out the way -- that's just one example.  No rugby player will ever conduct themselves in a game where when they score they do a dance in the endzone.  Besides rugby is SO much more technical and much more strategy is involved in the passing and kicking game.  In rugby we don't allow blocking -- everybody takes their own hits.  Pansies have no one to hide behind.  Plus if you were to put a talented rugby player on a football field, his whole way of going about tackling in general would be influenced by his instincts (that were formed playing rugby,) and would take a lot of work just to get him to stray towards performing the kind of takcles football players would use.  I'm guessing you're asking this question because of how "fearless" rugby players appear without their pads and what not.

  5. its a different sport . Rugby players love rugby which does not necessarily mean they would like or be good at american football. There was an instance when Jonah Lomu first burst on the scene after the world cup in south africa when the dallas cowboys wanted him to go tryout  / play but he turned them down stating his love for the game and  for playing for new zealand

  6. Why would they want to?

  7. They are too talented to waste their skills on such a dull sport. (if you can call it a sport)

  8. Rugby players plays defence and offence but the American football got they set of player who only playing the offence and the another set just playing defence.

  9. They do sometimes, but most of those times the answer is NO. Why because we don't like it. They get some rugbiers from time to time but not big deal mainly for the guy who makes the kick to the poles for the extra point. I think big bucks is not a big temptation remember that this was an amateur sport a few years ago.

  10. the game is just different and adjusting to it would take alot of work hence not many rugby players are in the NFL. I think top level rugby in the world is more than enough of an incentive for them to stay in the sport. It is very competitive at the top and they are paid well enough plus it can be a very long season playing domestic and international rugby. Rugby is more of a flowing game, i personally like rugby league.

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