
Why aren't there any black band-aides for sale in drug stores and pharmacies?

by  |  earlier

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I am a 60 yr old white guy... but can't believe no one is selling "black" band-aides in drug stores and pharmacies... Seems to me this idea would instantly capture half the market. (So... If you know why - I would like to know the answer... If you think it is a good idea, hey... take it and run with it... You can thank me with a really nice bonus check after you make your first million...




  1. hey capt... sorry i couldnt figure out how to contact you... could you please let me know more about the boat industries. Im in highschool but my fam has several boats.... I would love a career in boatin... whether a captain of a ship or what... I want ot have my own big boat to cruise in ... i want to be the powerful man in the marina... you know what i mean as a captain....

    anyway what are some good careers in the boating industry... I live in Massachusetts if that changes anything... can you list some good careers with some good salaries...

    I was planning on being a fireman with a job to do with boats on the side... maybe taking people out fishin... harbor patrol.... something....

    please send me an email at:  


    i appreciate it captain... thank u

  2. You may be shopping in drug-stores/pharmacies in neighborhoods so very white they don't bother carrying them, because they are in fact widely available! "Band-Aids" are available in a wide range of skin-tones and funkier colors, too!

    But rest-assured it was a great idea, just one that someone else already had....oh well!

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