
Why aren't there any hybrid/green vehicles being sold in the Middle East?

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Many countries in the world are working on greener fuels and methods of consuming less fuel for the two main reasons; rising fuel prices and air pollution.

Now there are so many people living in the Middle East where alot of cars and vehicles are imported all over the world. I understand that some countries cannot afford the slightly higher prices of hybrids but people are ready to spend more if it will cut down on fuel consumption on a long term basis.

Now the Gulf is the biggest vehicle importing region in the world, also being the world's harbour of oil starting from Iraq down to Oman. The average family has ATLEAST two vehicles, as there is no or scarce public transport.

The Arabian/Persian Gulf region is suffering from increasing air-pollution levels and rising gas prices. Recycling facilities are scarce and people are not aware of environmental management.

Is there any chance that hybrid vehicles would be introduced in the near future?




  1. In the Middle East (in general) people aren't educated that much about the world and pollution, whereas in the U.S. we learn about the dangers of pollution at a young age and continue to learn about it. Also, the prices of oil in the U.S. are more expensive than in the Middle East, where they are almost (in some places) cheaper than water. Basically, since they're not educated about the harms of all the oil consumption and oil is cheap for them anyways, they don't see any use for hybrids.

  2. Fuel costs in the ME are still lower than anywhere else.  

    Majority of vehicles in the ME use diesel - a major pollutant.

    Further, most ME families are large - need large vehicles.  i.e., Soo-ber-bahn.

    Distances between cities are long - not suited for the benefit that hybrid vehicles offer.

  3. Gas is very affordable and owning a hybrid would mean you are not supporting the economy!

    If everyone drove a hybrid, their economy would suffer in disastrous proportions!

    It's all about the bottom line, there is no regard for the environment.

  4. Well people there may not be interested with hybrid/green vehicles because they  are so rich and have less attention about greenery thingy.

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