
Why aren't there any.......?

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supervillains, or superheroes or criminal masterminds with weird names and gimmicks

I'm not talking about ones with superpowers just like Batman or Joker people without powers


Freaks or Normal People




  1. Check out my name.

    I am a mad genius.

    ..Everything is going according to the plan......

    Ah Hhaa ha hah !!

  2. You may be spending too much time with comic books.....

    There are heroes out there.  Some of them wear blue -several shades- others wear cammo. But they're all out there somewhere, putting their lives on the line every day, ready to fight evil and even to take a bullet so you don't have to.

  3. Criminals avoid notoriety,   to minimize the chances of getting caught.  Their ideal is to blend with the general populationn.

    Superheroes like batman or equivalents may not go after ordinary criminals,  but after the supervillians.  They would hide their powers so the criminals do not prepare againt them.  

  4. ...make your own up...they are only comic book characters...


  5. Have you ever heard of the Jackal? Or Jack the Ripper?

    The infamous monikers are out there, you just have to look for them because the evil ones don't get that much publicity. And what they do get isn't very good.

  6. There are many hero's, but we seem, through the media, to prefer, and are feed garbage and dysfunctional people. Princess Diana Dies at the same week as Mother Theresa dies. It was a big explosion of information  about Diana, but Mother Theresa got a f**t of information on her death.

    There are many reasons for this; The world loves beauty and youth. Diana was involved in the cause of eliminating the use of land mines in war. Commendable, however Mother Theresa for years serve the dying in Calcutta slums and streets.

    There are many heroes in war; those that die serving their country, and those that serve their country, and live the rest of their lives with the horrible experiences of war. The Living surviving soldiers are heroes too.

    We have music, computer games that indirectly and directly flaunt the actions of car thieves, killers, and the denigration of women, etc. We have a media exposure to many films that do the same, but filled with special effects. Media exposes us the sport figures, ( some call them sports heroes) and the word added to the word sport is hero?? Are you kidding me. These clowns are not hero's, they are being paid huge sums of money, and at no risk to their lives, no do they save lives. They are well paid entertainers, as music and movie celebrities. Show me the fireman, or Emergency Medical Technician, I 'll show you a hero. Show me a person who risks there life to save another, I'll show you a hero..

    So all this media about sports figures, celebrities, in society amounts to "garbage taken in, produces garbage out."

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