
Why aren't there as many doubleheaders anymore?

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Why aren't there as many doubleheaders anymore?




  1. Because the powers that be (The Owners) don't want to lose money by having two games for the price of one. =(

  2. Money. By doing Doubleheaders  they are only getting gate receipts for one game instead of two. The only time you see a back to back doubleheader are when there are rainouts and the visiting team does not come back to town.

  3. Because baseball is not cricket.

    Doubleheaders mess up manager's rotaion plan.

    People need to work in the afternoon.

    Plus the reasons causing doubleheaders in recent years are rain. Raining sucks.

  4. good weather!!!!

  5. Like everything else in professional sports, it's about money. With has-beens like Griffey Jr. pulling down 8 figures a year owners need to squeeze the last nickle out of every fan, so giving them 2 games for the price of one is bad business.

  6. I wish there were. Doubleheader holidays like July 4th or Memorial day. 2 for price of 1 games. Back in the day Memorial day weekend was all about baseball and more baseball.

    It's pretty bad when there's a rain out and the games are distanced enough that they charge 2 separate admissions for them.

    It's all about the money now.

  7. MONEY.

    The owners don't make as much money if they have a doubleheader.  Also its jet travel.  Back when the teams traveled by train it took longer to get from one city to the next.  Play two games on Sunday.  Monday is a travel day and then play Tuesday.  Now there is no need for the travel day so just play one games everyday.

  8. Im not saying money isnt a factor but the biggest thing is the change in the length of games. When baseball was in its heyday it lasted about half the time that games last now. So people still paid more for the double header, because the two games wouldnt last 6-7hours, and theres not exactly a big demand for such a long time. People would actually prefer just one game

  9. Plain and simple, money.  Why would they want to give you two games for the price of one if they can charge you full price for each game separately.  

    They always used to have "twi-night" doubleheaders.  The first game would start around 5:35.  The second game would be over around midnight.  You only had to buy one ticket for both games.

    Now, on the rare occassion they have doubleheaders, they have "Day-Night" double headers.  The first game starts at 1:05.  When the game is over, they clear out the stadium.   Then the second game starts at 7:05.  You have to buy a separate ticket to get in that game.  And the owners just doubled their profits.

    Baseball owners are not in the business of making things cheaper for the fan.  they are in the business of making as much money as possible.

  10. No Rain


    Global Warming Cause = GEORGE W. BUSH!!!

    (well not really)

  11. greed.  teams would rather sell two games than one.  sometimes, from rainouts they end up with double headers and they charge separate admissions anyway.

  12. Well you need a lot of rain to have a doubleheader... They don't just schedule two games for one day.  

    And recently the Mets and Yankees had a double header.  The first game was at Yankee Stadium.  Then the second game was at Shea.

  13. I'm really not sure why, but probably because it's really hard on most players.  Think about it!  Average game is about 2-3/4 hours, so that means about 5-1/2 of really physical activity.

    Weather can bring on a doubleheader for the next day after a cancellation.  My Cubbies were rained out Tuesday in Atlanta, so they played a double header yesterday, Wednesday, and WON BOTH!!!!!!!

    A normal doubleheader used to have about 1/2 hour to an hour between games, but the games in Atlanta gave the Cubbies and the Braves about 2-1/2 hours between games.  

    Also, normally at this time of the year in Atlanta, the temps can be in the 90's, but yesterday I believe it was in the high 70's.  This defnitely helps the players.

    At any rate, the Cubbies won, and that's PERFECT!!!!!!  

  14. Rain. Double-headers happen because of rain. If it's not raining, or if crew chiefs are delaying games longer (which some have been, i've noticed) then you wont have any double-headers. But, when it rains, and you simply cannot play, the game has to be made up. Hence, the double-header. It just must not be raining a whole heck of a lot during games. I don't think any of my Reds games have been rained out, but we did have a two and a half hour delay a bit ago... what a ridiculous wait.

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